Events happening at the Rio Olympics no one wants to talk about – IOTW Report

Events happening at the Rio Olympics no one wants to talk about

Breitbart: Five Crazy Crimes That Have Occurred at the Rio Olympics — Already.

The Olympics opening ceremonies occurred only days ago, but Rio de Janeiro has already been the scene of some outrageous criminal scenarios, placing athletes, officers, and even top-ranked security officials in the line of fire.

Longtime residents of Rio de Janeiro, cariocas, know their city is a hotbed of violent crime. So do Brazil’s officials, who have lamented to international media objecting to the consistent reports of gun deaths that “historically, that is how Rio de Janeiro is.” Yet the show must go on, and as the days go by, officials and Olympians alike are finding that the violence is not limited to the city’s famed favelas, and that local robbers are as dangerous as fellow athletes and police officers themselves.  MORE

8 Comments on Events happening at the Rio Olympics no one wants to talk about

  1. Why in the world were they held in Rio? I know my libs., they like to pretend that crime-infested third world cities are the imagination of the less adventurous, and that everything “will be fine.” Liberals mugged by reality once again. Hard to change their thinking though, “the chances are small,” “it’s not all muslims that kill infidels” etc. Maintaining their narrative and warped views of realities are top priority.

  2. The Rio Olympics are not going anywhere near me and my friends are not going anywhere near me and my mom and dad just called me and my dad said he would not say whether or not but if you don’t like me and you have a nice dream about it you should know better than that.

  3. I’m surprised Obama is not working hard to relocate the residents of the favelas to the US, as fast as possible.

    Looks like the maid-raping, goat-fucking, muslims are a higher priority.

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