“Every mosque in France should be worried about its future” – IOTW Report

“Every mosque in France should be worried about its future”

Muslims sound the alarm.

BareNakedIslam: Apparently, French president Emmanuel Macron is making good on his threat to shut down mosques that preach radical ideas that are contrary to the values of the French Republic. MORE

12 Comments on “Every mosque in France should be worried about its future”

  1. Muslims all over should be concerned about their future. Instead, they seem to be a protected class that gets away with naked aggression, and are catered to almost everyplace.

  2. One of them must have Fucked his mom.
    Wait scratch that.

    His former teacher.
    Wait, scratch that too.

    His wife!
    Ya, she is his Wife, who was his teacher, who is old enough to be his Mom.


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