Every Republican Is ‘Literally Hitler,’ So Stop Caring What Libs Say – IOTW Report

Every Republican Is ‘Literally Hitler,’ So Stop Caring What Libs Say

Kurt Schlichter: When will Republicans stop trying to kick the Lucy’s football that is liberal approval? It’s never going to happen – no matter how soft, pliable, milquetoast, and Mitty you are, you’re always going to be trying to re-enslave black Americans, toss old people off cliffs, or destroy our democracy. But there is a solution to this problem.

Stop caring what liberals and their media toadies say. Be a conservative and make them pay.

It’s simple, effective, and much more satisfying than trying to get people who hate you to stop hating you.

It’s also more dignified. Look at Chimpy McBu$Hitlerburton. That was what they called George W. Bush back in the day. He was hardly hardcore – the guy was softer than a My Pillow and about 1 percent as based. But they hated him anyway, trashed him, slandered him, and even toobined to their assassination fantasies about him. But he was too gentlemanly to defend himself. Yet, once he retired to paint tacky pictures and began sucking up to the elite, he suddenly became a respected elder statesman. Now you have the Democrats positively orgasmic over his upcoming fundraiser for the doomed reelection bid of the Beltway Cowgirl Liz Cheney, who has likewise earned the temporary reprieve from the hate-tsunami by utterly betraying her fellow Republicans. 

So, you can buy yourself some time. The price is your dignity, but if you crawl around on your belly and lick the toes of your vinyl-clad leftist dominatrix – oops, I assumed xis gender! – you’ll get a little less hatred for a little while. more @Townhall.

14 Comments on Every Republican Is ‘Literally Hitler,’ So Stop Caring What Libs Say

  1. Umm… the sooner Mr. Schlicter realizes that there is not a dimes but of difference between the “parties”, the better off he’ll be. Or he knows the truth and is running interference for the gop.

  2. “Stop caring what liberals and their media toadies say.”

    We did that a long time ago. The political landscape has changed, the libtards changed it. They lied, they cheated, they rigged elections, cancelled good people and they sicked their lap-dog FBI stooges on us. It took a while but we figured it out.

    Certain words are now antiquated and inappropriate; working across the aisle, accommodation, compromise, common ground, comity, hell even civility, that ship has sailed.

    I’m now taking a Tony Soprano/Keyser Söze approach, a shotgun and a shovel are all they are good for.

  3. @ 𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂…

    He needs to get out of Townhall. That place is the “controlled opposition” TommyBoy in IN refers to. They feature Hugh Hewitt, for crying out loud. All the simps are talking about how tough Hewitt was with Fauci, but the fact that Fauci gave him an interview tells me it was image rehab for Fauci from Conservative, Inc.

    But I digress. Schlichter sounds like he’s getting bored and losing focus with this stale rehash of a years-old idea. Next thing you know, he’ll be going up the cruise ship gangway. Get some fresh air, Schlichter. You’re suffocating in the Town Hall

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