Every. Single. Item. Counted. – IOTW Report

Every. Single. Item. Counted.

Company Wouldn’t Refund Missing Items On Their Order, So They Get Revenge By Making Sure Every Single Item Is Counted Next Time.

Twisted Sifter:

I used to work for a catering company and all I can say is that when I got a huge delivery on a busy street to load into our truck, it was stressful.

Cars were whizzing by, it was either hot or cold or even raining or snowing outside, AND I had to make sure that every single item was accounted for.

So I can relate to the story that this Reddit user wrote.

Check out their story about how they dealt with a food delivery order that went sideways. more

14 Comments on Every. Single. Item. Counted.

  1. With bar-coding on everything today I don’t understand why a shipment can’t be bar-coded too. That way there is an inventory on the shipping end, and a (hopefully matching) inventory on the receiving end. It’s not that hard.

  2. Also – Watch out for shipping companies (FedEx, UPS DHL) putting fake tracking information on shipments they have lost. This has happened to me multiple times, where I waste a week watching on their tracking web page a shipment zip all over the country and then they suddenly announce it is missing.
    In one case I had special sample test products build on our assembly line in Mexico (that never should have reached the public) and they shipped them using a popular international shipper. I tracked the package going to New England, then Oregon and somewhere in the Midwest. Then suddenly they announced it was lost. Their investigation found they had picked up the package at our factory but it never left Mexico.

  3. That reminds me of our move last year. There were several boxes that did not show up including my Macintosh computer. Afterwards I looked at the five page manifest I had signed and I discovered that I was supposed to be on the truck checking off every box as it was taken off. I didn’t do that — I didn’t know I was supposed to until afterwards.

    I tried making calls about it, but pretty much everyone involved blamed it on somebody else. We had thing in storage with one company. It was moved from Vancouver to Toronto by the Canadian branch of another company. It was in storage in Toronto for a couple of weeks. It came down from Toronto by the American branch of the moving company. I should have pursued it but I got the feeling that no one would have accepted responsibility, especially after I had signed the manifest.

    While losing the computer was certainly bad, it was worse that Mrs. RMM lost some good cookbooks that she had had since college.

  4. I lived in Grapevine in ’95, and don’t recall a Mexican chain restaurant there at that time. Local guy, Esparza, had two stores and there was a smaller independent. Maybe On the Border, they showed up in the developing “restaurant row” in later 90’s.

  5. Years ago I ordered a customized PC and a monitor online that were shipped on the same shipping number. The monitor was delivered just fine but when I checked the shipper’s web site the PC was still shown as “out for delivery”. I called the local office and told the supervisor if my PC didn’t show up SOON I was calling the police and reporting the driver for felony theft.

    My PC showed up in perfect shape within an hour.

  6. While in college I worked for a food delivery service to campus cafeterias. There was one old lady who insisted on counting every single item because she was sure we would short her. Every once in a while we would toss in an extra item or two and when her count hit the ordered number she would pause and then say it was all there. We would then say “Oops, looks like there are a couple extras here – so we need to take those back.”

  7. I worked in accounting for a medium sized organic grain co-op. We wold 25 pound bags of lentils, flax seed, hemp seed to Whole Foods Market. They would not pay until they signed off on all of the 25 pound bags. One time was especially bad as they had lost the product within their warehouse – we were not paid for 5 months.
    When I was in the United States, I finally visited one of their stores – I found them very smelly and slightly dirty – gave off that whole “hippie” vibe.

  8. Same church different pew.

    Recently went though (still ongoing) the move from hell. Relocating my BIL from South Florida back to Chicagoland area. Still in the process of disputing charges on the credit card and what started out as a $7,900.00 estimate turned into a $27,000.00 fiasco.

    Without turning this into a SNS post we came to find out that the “moving company” was a broker who subcontracts. Day of move arrived late and promised to finish the next day if necessary. After overhearing that they would be flying home in two days they presented another contract for additional charges (around midnight) and had half his goods in the truck. They should have called the cops and had the truck unloaded back inside with the “Movers” escorted off the property.

    Sleep deprivation and multiple other problems they got the 85 year old BIL to sign. Goods went to a storage facility and unable to make contact with them until they called us for extra storage fees. Multiple players – subcontractors and when it finally got delivered missing items and most damaged.

    If you plan a move make sure they are a moving company and not a broker and consider the other alternatives of pods or other. Many months into this and still not finished with the disputed claims and damage done.

    Count every item? It also helps if when the “movers” show up they speak English and are not recent immigrants from the Ukraine. Only the “Crew Chiefs” spoke English and the workers had probably never packed or done a move before in their entire lives.

    I’m up in the Shitcago area and wife, daughter and BIL were down there being taken advantage of…

    Again, this is the short version.

  9. When back to comments after posting and saw Matt’s.

    Have managed to get one of the credit card charges deleted.

    If you documented all that took place that’s about all you have to recoup anything.

  10. Part of my stash of Fentanyl got pinched coming over the border … got Dad to call and the Border Patrol blamed it on the Federales and the Federales blamed the Border Patrol …

  11. Remember last year when all the RR cars were getting broken into & contents stolen around this time of the year? Just because it’s no longer news doesn’t mean it’s stopped.
    No doubt it’s cheaper and easier to try & pass the expense of theft on to the customer rather than involve the insurance company.
    On a related subject involving credit cards; the fishing scams are getting very sophisticated. Beware of ANY emails from “EnFact” claiming to be acting on behalf of your fin. inst. by name. I have a friend that received one, obviously had their email account, knew who their bank was, and last 4 digits of their credit card. It was asking if she made a WALMART.COM purchase for $.10 (ten cents) immediate alarm bells, since there’s nothing you can buy even at WM online for a dime. Checked w/bank; no we don’t send emails, if there’s a problem, we’ll msg you via your online account or by snail mail.
    Not on ly email scams; recently another friend had their car stolen out of their driveway; thieves hacked a phone that was in it, hacked apps, and attempted to clean out their banking accounts. Some time later a suspicious activity call from some apartments had the cops discovering 6 stolen vehicles lined up next to each other in the parking lot, & one of the apartments had been broken into. Turns out some individuals were stealing cars & whatever else they could at the nearby LARGE shopping center & using the apartment as a base.
    Long gone by the time cops showed up (No, really!?) But at least they got their car back.
    Last but not least, I can’t tell you ladies enough to not leave your purse sitting in the shopping cart unzipped, with cell phone, wallet, key chain, even cash right were someone could lift them while you’re perusing the cereal aisle.
    I see that situation all the time.
    People seem to generally be distracted these days, and don’t use due personal security measures.
    Beware, there are bad people out there.

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