Every Single Time – IOTW Report

Every Single Time

15 Comments on Every Single Time

  1. Mean while, L.A. city council has voted to fire something like 3,000 unvaxed Deputies. Villanueva was quoted as saying “These people are dumber than dog shit”.
    They had a shoot out right in front of that arena two days before the game.

  2. 6 YEARS NOW I haven’t watched any pro football…FUCK THE NFL! They can thank that nappy headed bitch from the 49ers for starting this shit.
    I haven’t even watched any of their commercials on line. I just found out today who played in it…like I give a shit!

  3. Duh, Marshall Dillion, Gunsmoke. Freudian slip. In Canada, it’s called the “Emergencies Act” maybe the first time used, Feels like the first time. This is why all the money is locked up, he has put a government hold on all/any of those funds.


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