Everybody Hates Jussie – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Jussie

DC: The fact that Chicago prosecutors declined to pursue charges against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett for allegedly staging a hate crime against himself has many crying foul on Twitter.

The hashtags #liberalprivilege and #blackprivilege were all over the social media network Tuesday as First Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats made the decision to drop Smollett’s charges, based largely on the fact that the “Empire” actor agreed to forfeit his $10,000 bond and did two days of “volunteer service” with Jesse Jackson’s nonprofit group.

While the decision enraged Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who reportedly was “furious” after finding out his “rock solid” case was out the window, it also didn’t sit well in Twitterland.

“As a former Police Officer, Jussie Smollett getting away with committing 16 felonies has me so pissed off right now,” Turning Point USA’s Brandon Tatum tweeted with the hashtag #blackprivilege. “All that hard work investigating a fake crime he stage and paid for. The amount of taxpayer resources and manpower that was wasted is sickening.”

Former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod criticized prosecutors for seeming disingenuous.  Keep reading
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26 Comments on Everybody Hates Jussie

  1. Some dems realize this is blatantly proving, yet again, there is a two tier justice system and if you have democrat connections there is virtually nothing you can’t get away with almost unscathed. Some of them know the optics are horrible. Particularly after Smollett stepped forward to publicly gloat.

  2. I guess Jussie is okay with two white gay bashing bleach pouring 2am sub-zero assaulting noose tying MAGA country chanters also getting away uncharged. He needs to round up the police and demand the haters be tracked down, just like how the whole thing started. Then go after whoever sent him a death threat in the mail and then go after the police force and “alt-right news” for libel. And get his $10k back and his 2 days wasted at Rainbow Push. Justice must be served! He should be the FIRST person in line for reparations.

  3. Unrelated question: Libs are all up in arms today over Betsy DeVos reducing funding for special ed programs. Anyone know the whole story? I don’t see anything on conservative sites yet.

  4. The Africans that let African Juicy Fruit off believed, and rightly so, that he had suffered enough by having to endure time with the Right Reverend African Jackson! Keep it in the hood, bro’s like we did with African OJ!!

  5. If he did his time for the crime, eventually it will have been forgiven and forgotten. Just like OJ, what will be remembered is that Smollett got away with multiple felonies.

    The rest of his life will be lived in shame and always looking over your shoulder.

  6. Jussie dindu nuffin, ON HIS OWN.

    He did this Rayciss Hoax for some unknown Massa. Because he could rat out this Massa, part of the deal necessarily included a Free Pass– call the dismissal of these charges a Preznitial Pardon 😉

    And no ‘First Asst State’s Attorney’ was going to stick his white neck out for this (in Chitcago) without ORDERS from higher up.

    Squeeze the Judge. Leave no lies hidden.
    If not, Sodom will burn to the ground.

    The CPD will wither if no justice here. No police, then chaos.

  7. I heard the cowardly creep was throwing the Nigerian Bros under the bus. They must be back in Nigeria, out of reach. Probably already playing poker with Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud.

  8. Thank you Jussie for helping Americans understand colored, celebrity, homosexual privilege. Also, thanks for making it obvious that there really is something called Jussie Justice for some connected people. This ignoramus thinks that he got away with his fakery. He’s a colored homosexual leper now, and an embarrassment to his supporters and a gift to the millions of Americans out there in MAGA Country.

  9. This story is so fcuked up, you couldn’t write a script to film the damn thing.

    Trust me, Juicy won’t be suing the Nigerian Bros or the Chicago PD. He’ll be lucky if the Chicago PD doesn’t sue HIM in Civil Court.

    This boy’s gonna have to get into the Shitness Protection Program.

  10. Some body high up made a decision that cost a considerable amount of political points. So who is that high and why would they cash in on political influence? I would start with someone like Obama and consider if this guy was Obama’s lover.

  11. Remember folks, the biggest rush of satisfaction Diabolical Narcissists experience is from the getting away with it. They act out publicly, egregiously, and then wallow and luxuriate in the sense of power and domination they feel when no one does a damn thing, and their victims even defend or cover for the DN’s abusive or even criminal behavior. They STUDY the hopelessness and effeminate impotence of their victims, too cowed by the DN to confront him (or her).

    Ann Barnhardt

    Ann nails it. Her words apply here, in spades.


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