Everybody Hates Mueller – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Mueller

Breitbart: Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s raid on President Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen has backfired in the eyes of voters, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Prior to what many are describing as Mueller’s unprecedented stunt, the special counsel and former Obama official was held in high regard by a majority of the public. Back in October, a full 52 percent believed “Mueller’s investigation is an honest attempt to determine criminal wrongdoing.”

That number is now down -6 points to just 46 percent.

Moreover, the number of voters who now see Mueller’s probe is a “partisan witch hunt” has jumped a full +8 points, from 32 percent to 40 percent.

Only 14 percent remain undecided.

Overall, public opinion moved against Mueller by a full 14 points. What was a 20 point (52 – 32 percent) favorable rating is now just a 6 point advantage.

The loss of Mueller’s support among a majority of voters is also worth noting. MORE

11 Comments on Everybody Hates Mueller

  1. The best solution…
    Jeff Sessions fires Rosenstein and Mueller at 4:10 on Friday,
    He turns in his own resignation as 4:14,
    A replacement AG reports to work on Monday,
    To start clearing out the swamp.

  2. One part of the old adage about fooling people seems to need modification: “But you can fool an awful lot of the people all of the time.” seems more appropriate these days.

  3. I wish the simpering, big-head, narrow-shouldered fucking pussy would wind up this stupid bullshit and get back in the basement – he’s a shame on the family – a stain on the name – and an embarrassment in a restaurant.

    Even as a kid … he’d fart at dinner and blame the dog. Once he crapped in his bed and claimed that the monkey did it – the monkey was a “J. Fred Muggs” toy, for pity’s sake!
    Lies! Lies! Nothing but lies!

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