Everybody Hates Corker – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates Corker

Breitbart: President Donald Trump rallied with Republicans and supporters in Nashville on Tuesday, but Senator Bob Corker did not get a warm welcome from Trump supporters.

Trump thanked Corker for attending the rally, but the audience loudly booed the retiring Republican senator when the president mentioned his name. Watch

9 Comments on Everybody Hates Corker

  1. Corker and other RINO’s like him are about as useless as a prick on a priest. Although the trend of voting these types out has started we need to continue our efforts to eliminate them.

  2. In just a few years Corker has managed to distinguish himself as one of the most despicable, loathsome insects in DC. Maybe McCain can give him a piggyback into oblivion.

  3. @meyou May 30, 2018 at 9:16 am

    “MANY in DC need to go to the gallows.”

    All in DC need to go to the gallows.


    Oh… wait… then nobody will be available to accept “my” taxes. Never mind.

  4. Corker was one of the select few traitors in the Senate that pushed a loop hole through for the Iran fiasco to keep it from having to go the route that the Constitution requires for ALL treaties. Which is exactly what the Iran bribery and treason package was. Corker and his butt buddy obama knew that it would NEVER pass the Constitutional requirement so they did what any good politician would do, lie cheat and steal until they could get it to pass. The obama worshiping press did their part to make sure that it passed as well.

    Traitors should be hung, slowly.
    They do NOT deserve the dignity of the firing squad.

    ROPE+TREE+TRAITORS (some assembly required)

    * This applies to Rinos as well as demoncrats and even the occasional military traitor like Bradly (Can’t get no satisfaction) Manning.

    MSG Grumpy

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