Everybody Hates The NBA – IOTW Report

Everybody Hates The NBA

Fans, Pols Erupt After ‘Disgusting’ NBA Cave to China.

So the @NBA will boycott Charlotte, NC over transgender bathrooms, but won’t boycott China over Muslim internment camps?

The reactions to the NBA’s “disgusting” support of the oppressive Chinese government continues to grow, as a diverse group of Americans take the woke sports league to task for supporting China over pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

NBA’s Woke Warriors Silent on Human Rights Abuses in China.

Breitbart: The National Basketball Association considers itself one of the most “progressive” organizations in America, and is always ready to criticize President Donald Trump or other Americans who members of the league think are not woke enough.

But this weekend’s apology to China shows that the NBA is quick to attack Americans while turning a blind eye to China’s serious human rights abuses.

Over the weekend, the NBA rebuked Houston Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey who tweeted his support of the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. The league apologized to the oppressive Chinese government for Morey’s support of the democracy activists.

But according to a recent report at Human Rights Watch, China is still one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. In its 2018 report, the organization reported that China has “dramatically stepped up repression and systematic abuses against the 13 million Turkic Muslims, including Uyghurs and ethnic Kazakhs, in China’s northwestern Xinjiang region.”

“Authorities have carried out mass arbitrary detention, torture, and mistreatment of some of them in various detention facilities, and increasingly imposed pervasive controls on daily life,” HRW wrote. “New regulations in Tibet now criminalize even traditional forms of social action, including community mediation by religious figures. In Hong Kong, a region promised ‘a high degree of autonomy’ under the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the Chinese and Hong Kong governments hastened their efforts in 2018 to undermine people’s rights to free speech and political participation.”

HRW also reiterated China’s oppression of its homosexual citizens, refugees, asylum seekers, women, and girls, and that is not to even mention its actions against Tibet.

This is the country that the NBA is falling all over itself to support. more

31 Comments on Everybody Hates The NBA

  1. I understand that any black people coming from
    Africa to make “deals” with the Chinese concerning
    raw materials being mined in their country have to
    stay in a compound area and are not allowed to just
    walk around or travel the country.Do the black
    players on the NBA know that?

  2. I’m going to make a generalization that may or may not apply to anyone here (that’s why they call it a generalization). I have found that most people that rail against sports never possessed the skills required to play sports themselves, they dismiss that which they are incapable of participating in themselves.

    Having played HS and college sports, and coached HS teams for a number of years, I could proffer a litany of positives that sports provide to the individual.

    We want our kids to be well rounded, active, to learn cooperation and getting along with others, and to exercise daily, to feed the body both in spirit and mind, sports does all these things in spades. A builder in self-esteem and confidence, those that excel in sports understand hard work, sacrifice and dedication, and meritocracy.

    This craven cowardly act by the NBA is especially galling to me because it is Unamerican, it promotes globalism over patriotism and insults our values. They lost me as a fan, and I’m part of their major demographic.

  3. There goes @richtaylor talking shit again.

    I played d1 basketball on a #1 rated NCAA team. The game teaches nothing. Nothing at all.

    Anyone with a brain bigger than a pea can see that from the very fact that such a high percentage of players wind up in trouble with the law.

    The players who make it to professional level are the acid test, since they play sports the longest.

    Over half of them wind up bankrupt and a high percentage of them spend time in jail.

    You are the biggest blowhard i’ve run into in years.

  4. @Whitey White

    “The players who make it to professional level are the acid test, since they play sports the longest.”

    Total nonsense. When was the last time you went to the local community park? Thousands and thousands of folks, in their 50’s, 60’s or higher, playing tennis, soccer, or other myriad sports, folks that played twice as long as those professionals you speak of.

    99.9% of those that played collegiate sports do NOT go pro, so you making some unfounded unverified connection about sports in general and a few felons in the NBA, weak sauce.

    Those professional players that so end up in trouble with the law (a small percentage of the total) did not end up that way because of their sports background.

    You should try coaching some time, you would abandon that, “The game teaches nothing” concept pretty quick.

  5. I’m no athlete, but I have loved and followed sports for decades. In the last few years, however, I have been developing the perspective that it is basically the same thing year after year, the only variable is the names on the backs of the uniforms.

    Once in a while, a superior type of athlete comes along and changes his sport forever, like Babe Ruth or Wayne Gretzky or Michael Jordan. Other than that, nothing much changes from year to year, from a spectator’s perspective.

  6. From what I’ve seen, most high profile athletes are selfish, somewhat poorly adapted to the real world, egomaniacs, (Rich Taylor, this is also a generalization in case you didn’t recognize it) that are users of people that they think can make their life easy, and still lucrative, I hope the whole NBA packs their shit and moves to China.

  7. “Ladies and Gentlemen! Are you ready to R U M B L E ?”

    (Crowd goes wild.)

    “And tonight, the starting line up for the Huston Rockets…”

    (Huge roar…)

    “At center, #23, from Beijing, China, 7’8”, Mai Wang…”

    (Crown boos and throws egg rolls and Tsing Pao chicken onto floor.)

    “And at forward, #14, from Shanghai, China, 7’4″, Yu No Fun.”

    “And at 7’1″, the other forward, from Guangzhou, China, #11, Suk Muk Duk.”

    (Abalone and won ton soup flying out of the stands…)

    “And starting at guard, #8, 6’10”, from Dongguan, China, Sui Me Nao.”

    “And at guard, from Guangzhou, China, #28, also at 6’10”, Chow Noi Goo.”

    “(Muttering: “Hooo, boy.”) And the coach of the Rockets, Sum Ting Wong!”

    (Loud booing…)

    “Ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you stand for our national anthem:”


  8. @Whitey White

    “I played d1 basketball on a #1 rated NCAA team.”

    Very impressive, do you mind if I ask what school and what years you played?


    “From what I’ve seen, most high profile athletes are selfish, somewhat poorly adapted to the real world, egomaniacs”

    Totally agree, that’s why I prefer college sports, even go to a lot of the local HS games, the game is more pure, played for pleasure.

  9. joe6 hit it … pack up your shit & move to China … don’t let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya

    put your $$$ where your mouths are … DO IT! … convert your contracts to yuan now & avoid the rush!

    bunch of grown men w/ overactive thyroids running around in their underware, dribbling their balls …. yawn

  10. Repeated attempts to fill a basket with a large hole in the bottom of it…

    Well, there you go.

    I’m with Rich Taylor. Go out and do shit if you live the kind of life where you’d otherwise be a stagnant pile. Or even if you aren’t living a stagnant life… go play and have fun.

    The professional side may be a bit of puke, but as R.A. Cram stated, “Perhaps you let the accidents blind you to the essentials”.

  11. I should have posted the entire quote from the story, which would elucidate further why it came to my mind.

    “But the poor Sister is quite harmless;” and Valguanera rose, stretching himself. “My servants say she wants a mass said over her, or something of that kind; but I haven’t much love for such priestly hocus-pocus,–I beg your pardon” (turning to me), “I had forgotten that you were a Catholic: forgive my rudeness.”

    “My dear Cavaliere, I beg you not to apologize. I am sorry you cannot see things as I do; but don’t for a moment think I am hypersensitive.”

    “I have an excuse,–perhaps you will say only an explanation; but I live where I see all the absurdities and corruptions of the Church.”

    “Perhaps you let the accidents blind you to the essentials; but do not let us quarrel to-night,–see, the storm is close on us. Shall we go in?”

    R.A. Cram

  12. @ Anon Erik – RAC designed, just in one instance, St Thomas on 53rd and Fifth in NYC, an AMAZING church strucure after the first one burned down with major art works in there around 1911.

    For anyone else that gives a shit about architecture, religion and devotion:


    He may have designed a building near YOU.

    And he is one of three Americans ‘artists’ recognized on the liturgical calendar of the CoE. One of those artists was a Catholic!

  13. It would be maybe okay if the NBA kept its mouth shut about politics as a general rule.
    But when they criticize America on Monday and defend China on Tuesday,
    they can go fornicate themselves.

  14. From my point of view; basketball sucks.
    In school we would dribble and pass the ball around until some fool tossed it way down to the opposite court where everyone would chase it like a dog in heat, pursuing a bitch.

    Then when we all ended up in that court some other fool would toss the ball all the way back to the court we just came from….Bullshit. Either keep the ball in one court or give both teams a ball.

    AND….politics will ruin ANY sport.

  15. @Ghost

    Well Ghost, I think I saw that 3 weeks ago in NYC. We saw another church pretty close to St. Patrick’s. Maybe that’s the one you refer to. It was around 50-53rd street.

    As it was, we stayed at the Lotte Hotel and had an awesome view of St. Patrick’s from the 14th floor. The bummer was that the hotel was full of UN delegates in town for the annual browbeating of the US.

    The hotel was crowded everywhere with a lot of “colorful” people in colorful robes and one guy who looked perhaps like a military dictator of some sub-Saharan country.

    Security was insane at the hotel and crawling with NYPD, secret service, and gentlemen that I thought looked like bodyguards for some of the more despotic diplos. Sec. of State Pompeo came in via a bigly police escort and what looked like an armoured van, blackened windows, etc. A bunch of Egyptian residents of NYC mounted a huge, yelling protest of the Egyptian President who was hiding in the hotel somewhere.

    No more NYC for me, though. The place is nuts.

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