Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him – IOTW Report

Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him


If you watched Joe Biden’s primetime speech on Thursday, you would have seen him insist that anyone who questions the results of an election is a “threat to our democracy.”

“Democracy cannot survive when one side believes that there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated,” he claimed. “And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today.”

Conveniently absent from his speech was the acknowledgment that Democrats have a long history of believing that the only two outcomes of an election are when they win or the election was stolen—including himself.

In 2020, when a supporter of his told him she thought Trump was an illegitimate president, he agreed. In 2013, he also said he believed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election that he actually lost.

Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, also said that Trump was an illegitimate president.

Biden’s press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, also believes the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary.

On top of that his own chief of staff, Ron Klain, still believes that the 2000 election was “stolen” from Al Gore.

“People frequently tell me that I should ‘get over’ the 2000 election and recount. I haven’t, and I don’t think I ever will,” he tweeted back in 2019. more

8 Comments on Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him

  1. If you can deny that he is a Pedo, Crook, On The take, Angry, Uneducated, and Regularly walking around Smelling of Shit, denying a Election results is EASY.

  2. Demo communists have had 22 years to provide proof of Republican impropriety. They have produced nothing. In the meantime 4100 people have signed affidavits claiming they were either witnesses to or participants in the Biden steal. Then there are those who’ve already been convicted. In our county there are 100000 registered voters. During the week after the elections 15000 extra ballots showed up, all for Biden.

  3. anyone who questions the results of an election is a “threat to our democracy.”
    You should hope so, Democracy is mob rule, ya know, like Antifa, BLM, etc…
    This is a Republic.
    Or, it used to be.


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