Everyone Hates The Media – IOTW Report

Everyone Hates The Media

PJM: Americans Who Can’t Agree on Anything Agree Our Media Sucks

We Americans are a fractious bunch, so much so that it’s nearly impossible to get as many as half of us to agree on who should be president. Most elections, you can’t get half of us to agree that we should just show up and vote. We demand a bare minimum of 31 flavors from our ice cream shops, and the endlessly proliferating frozen yogurt places are evidence that we can’t even agree to have ice cream. If 57 channels seemed like a lot when Bruce Springsteen was singing about them almost 30 years ago, that number seems quaint given what you can find to watch tonight just on Netflix. If you want to start a serious argument with your fellow Americans, you can do so on Twitter by saying nothing more offensive than “I like pie.”

Just to hammer my point home a little harder, Jeep offers 11 different trim levels — Laredo, Upland, Altitude, Limited, Limited X, Trailhawk, Overland, High Altitude, Summit, SRT, and Trackhawk — for the Grand Cherokee alone, each with seemingly unlimited options. What do all those trim names mean? I don’t know, but surely there’s something for almost anyone. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Upland buyers and the Overland buyers got into fistfights over which trim was truly superior. Start chanting “Up not Over! Up not Over!” and maybe get a riot going.

(Yes, I’ve been car-shopping. How could you tell?)

Next time you’re at the grocery store, try counting the number of deodorants there are to choose from (sorry, Bernie!), and see which happens first: You add up the total, or you grow a ZZ Top beard. Now go down the aisle a little ways and try totaling up your shaving options. Hurry it up, please — I haven’t got all day.

Let’s not even get started on the number of faiths and denominations Americans have to choose from, because I’m trying to keep this column light and friendly.

All this choice, all these options — they’re a good thing, especially for 320 million people who can’t agree on much of anything.

And yet according to new research, there is one issue upon which virtually every American can and does agree: Our news media sucks.

12 Comments on Everyone Hates The Media

  1. Furthermore, the ‘media’ are economic entities based on the advertising model of selling information. And the latest ‘medium’ is the Internet where the likes of Google dominate.

  2. Hardly revelatory since there is little consensus on what “The Media” even is.

    Given the herd mentality of the uninformed voter, it is de rigueur to complain about the media (whatever form that term manifests itself with that person), it elicits a perception that the complainer is a purveyor of the media, to begin with, an assumption not based on facts. An opinion that the media sucks tells the listener that you are a good citizen that pays attention to the issues, which may not be the case and be nothing more than virtue signaling.

    We should also define how it sucks. Print and broadcast companies have reporters all over the world and given the immersive nature of our communication capabilities if a school shooting goes down in Dallas if a military crackdown of protestors happens in Hong Kong if a camel farts too close to Bashar al-Assad it broadcasts worldwide almost in real-time.

    For many (most) the only media that sucks is that which does not validate their preconceived notions of our current state of polity, but that’s not really what we want in our news reporting anyway.

    For those genuinely seeking information, unbiased and unfettered, it’s not hard to locate. Heck, this blog is part and parcel of “The Media”, nobody thinks it sucks.

  3. The “left and right media” are nothing more than outrage generators devised to keep the ignorant bickering and divided. The global elites understand that a divided people are much easier to control and manipulate. A unified population means accountability. Accountability means a loss of power. A loss of power means a loss of money. A loss of money means that they are no better than you. So, shut your cake hole and go buy a new iPhone.

  4. Our Media Sucks?
    Well that’s being pretty generous!
    Pushing the Leftist agenda and promoting the BIG LIE tells me our media just can’t suck enough!
    And even that’s being nice, because to tell the truth, attempting to oust a sitting President with false accusations, it should be said our Media is Treasonous!

  5. from history.net:

    “Authorities banned pro-peace newspapers from the U.S. mails, shut down newspaper offices and confiscated printing materials. They intimidated, and sometimes imprisoned, re – porters, editors and publishers who sympathized with the South or objected to an armed struggle to restore the Union”

    Abe lincoln shut down the press when they went traitorous.

    Trump should do the same.

  6. Lincoln may have preserved the “Union” but it was at the expense of a half million American souls and the Constitution of these United States……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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