Everyone loved this French-Muslim singer’s Leonard Cohen cover, until they read her Facebook posts – IOTW Report

Everyone loved this French-Muslim singer’s Leonard Cohen cover, until they read her Facebook posts

The blue-eyed Muslim woman sang Arabic and French-language renditions of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” on national television in France while wearing a head cover. She was a favorite on the French edition of “The Voice” talent and reality show, seeming to embody the values of coexistence and tolerance in a country with a notorious integration problem.

15 Comments on Everyone loved this French-Muslim singer’s Leonard Cohen cover, until they read her Facebook posts

  1. No Muslim woman who covers her hair or face will ever value coexistence and tolerance.
    All Muslims who display ANY outward signs of observance or piety will only ever see the rest of us as filthy kaffirs.
    This rule is immutable.

  2. Would anyone voluntarily go and “coexist” with them in any muslim country? No. All majority muslim countries are shitholes.
    So if they really did want to coexist with us, when they come to our countries they would at the least have an open mind and be open to adapting to a new, better homeland.

    But they never do, so for the muslim there must be different motivations.
    But they’ll never admit that.

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