Everyone’s ‘Russian’ to watch the Beriozka! – IOTW Report

Everyone’s ‘Russian’ to watch the Beriozka!


I thought that the entire idea of dancing is for the audience to see the moves, but with Beriozka things are a little bit different. In this traditional Russian dance, performers appear to be floating across the stage, and it is nothing short of impressive. Their secret technique is called the floating step and in a second you are going to have a hard time trusting your eyes!  – Viral Mirror

h/t Doc.

16 Comments on Everyone’s ‘Russian’ to watch the Beriozka!

  1. There was a gorgeous nurse in the hospital I was at that just walked naturally like that. No head bobbing, no swivel hips just glided across the floor. Forty years later and I still remember!

  2. I had some dental work done yesterday that required heavy duty pain relief last night. Strangely, watching this just made me nauseous. Not the women or the dance — which is lovely — just the motion of them.

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