Everything Fauci got wrong about COVID is similar to everything he got wrong about AIDS – IOTW Report

Everything Fauci got wrong about COVID is similar to everything he got wrong about AIDS

Crowder: How much do you know about Fauci’s response to AIDS? If people knew more about it, do you think it would change their perception of him?

Snip: Ignore the wardrobe. June is ‘ cultural appropriation month ‘ on Louder with Crowder.
This week, is France.

9 Comments on Everything Fauci got wrong about COVID is similar to everything he got wrong about AIDS

  1. The punishment for treason needs to be carried out primitively and swiftly.

    The worst crime of crimes is betrayal. It really doesn’t get any worse than that when you give it some thought..

  2. I was a frontline medic when AIDS was just becoming a thing, and yes, they tried to tell the EXACT SAME LIES. Difference is, the medical establishment didn’t buy into it because we ALL knew better, and the media only inflated it enough until they got public funds to pay for “gay men’s health crisis”, but stopped short of panic porn to keep from stigmatizing homos.

    The hospitals just invented Universal Precautions (e.g. treat ALL fluids as infected), and moved on. We didn’t wear face diapers or take squads out of service just because of the disease du joir, just cleaned them and kept going.

    I had full-blown AIDS patients, tuberculosis patients, Hep A and C patients, patients with weeeping, ulcerated sores from appalling living conditions, suppurating abcesses from repeated drug injections with filthy, shared appliances, rape patients with God knows what on them that couldn’t even be wiped off but had to be collected as evidence, and I lost count of how many people vomited, bled, expectorated, snotted, and otherwise wiped every imaginable bodily fluid on me, and I did fine with just good hygiene, lots of isopropyl alcohol, and a prompt coverall change.

    I guess the difference was that we weren’t pussies back in the day.

    But then I wasn’t raised in a school that spent 12 years trying to emasculated me even as it denigraded me for my race, so that’s kind of a difference too. The most I saw was a hip, young Black male teacher who would turn his back on request if someone was smoking a joint in the high school smoking area.

    And yes, the high school HAD a student smoking area. ALL of them did.

    We weren’t pussies.

    But we went on to raise millenials.

    …so in the end, I guess Fachi’s ultimate success after 30 years of trying is kind of on us after all, but who knew the old shit would still be around 40 odd years later…

  3. On a related note…
    C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General at the AIDS onset, gave a little talk on PBS about what the disease was and what it was not. At the end, he took calls from the public and answered questions. I only remember one:
    “So if I go into a public restroom and lick a wet toilet seat, can I get AIDS?”
    Without missing a beat, he said, “If you do that, you deserve whatever you get!”


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