Everything Free in America – IOTW Report

Everything Free in America


h/t Flaming Hetero

12 Comments on Everything Free in America

  1. TO TL [sic]

    You said you would vote for Hillary to stop Trump and bring on America’s downfall faster under Democrat rule (in the name of saving face for the GOP).

    You have NOTHING to add after that.

  2. Typical third generation wealth bullshit.
    The first generation clears the land, pulls the stumps and denies themselves the fruits of their own labor to give it to their Kids
    The second generation adds to the land, improves the buildings, increases productivity and denies themselves the fruits of their own labor to give it to their Kids
    Third generation sells the farm and equipment at a loss and blows the money on trinkets, and lives on handouts from strangers

  3. @Aggie: I suspect some people can’t give thumb ups because they are sitting around with one thumb in their mouth and the other up their keister. This situation is only changed by the occasional command, “SWITCH!”


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