Today’s main stupids are Joe Biden and Jennifer Granholm.


  1. “In our fleet cars we have AN electric car”.

    A single electric car in the fleet of an “Energy Secretary”, who laughs at those of us who would like to “drill, baby, drill” for our own energy.
    Why is this whore not driving electric cars constantly.
    Using her daughter as her excuse for not being in an electric car was just pathetic.
    The stupid bitch grifts enough money from the taxpayers, she should have enough by now to purchase a coal powered car for each of her family members.
    I thought our days of this show were behind us, but silly me, I forgot DemonicRats never go away, they just get reshuffled.

  2. So now they are going after food production.

    We used to call this sort of thing “prepping the battlefield ”

    They are taking deliberate active measures to destabilize our country and create a revolutionary environment to foster martial law.

    The CIA, NSA, FBI and Homeland Security have active files and visibility on every single American Patriot Especially us IOTW critters.

    They are trying to rile us into a response they can then use to justify a Jackboot on our necks. Ex: redirecting VA assets and money to illegals, Ministry of Truth, etc…

    The Kenyan Queer started this and is now ready to spring it before the midterms on behalf if his boss Soros.

    He armed every single federal agency with warehouses of weapons and ammo.

    They will probably off the Pedo is some false flag operation and come after our guns.

    They want a civil war. Do you think for one minute they will allow PDJT to run again?

    I know I sound like a raving lunatic but I won’t once food production breaks down.

    Guns up as the Marines say, be ready.

  3. I can’t watch that stupid bastard talk. He makes my blood pressure rocket upwards.
    Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden Fuck Joe Biden …

  4. 1 Destroy our Energy sources
    2 Destroy our Military
    3 Destroy our Foreign Policy
    4 Destroy our Police forces
    5 Destroy our big cities
    6 Destroy our Southern Border
    7 Destroy our entire Immigration process
    8 Destroy agreements
    9 Destroy the World’s confidence in the United States of America!
    10 Destroy the Economy
    11 Destroy the Manufacturing Supply Chain
    12 Destroy the Dollar
    13 Destroy employment
    14 Destroy Businesses
    15 Destroy food distribution centers

    From one raving lunatic to a nuther, all I know is that you don’t have to be an insurance actuary to see that we’re well past ” coincidence”


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