Everything Kamala accuses Trump of doing, she has already done herself – IOTW Report

Everything Kamala accuses Trump of doing, she has already done herself

Patriot Retort: The Wannabe Dictator is Tripling Down.

I mentioned yesterday that wannabe dictator Kamala Harris told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that Twitter must suspend President Trump’s account.

Because words are harmful … or something.

And since the news was widely reported on, the little wannabe dictator thought she struck gold and landed on a campaign-winning strategy.  So naturally she is doubling and tripling down.

Last night, Kamala went full-on tattletale and took her demands directly to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

But the little wannabe dictator wasn’t satisfied with just tweeting to Jack.


Harris actually sent a two-page letter to Jack Dorsey on campaign letterhead demanding he suspend President Trump. read more

11 Comments on Everything Kamala accuses Trump of doing, she has already done herself

  1. The lying and corruption of these swine is limitless. Their goal of fascism will bring us to a civil war. Harris could then set up a cock sucking booth and be a one-woman USO.

  2. Ever increasing acts of desperation are signs of the coming collapse of their entire narrative. They’re out of ammunition and are throwing anything at hand in hopes of a lucky hit.
    People that are so completely egotistical{like Harris} become unhinged when they realize they’re not viewed by others as they see themselves.


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