Everything You Didn’t Need To Know  – IOTW Report

Everything You Didn’t Need To Know 

About Henry VIII’s Ulcerated Leg.

24 Comments on Everything You Didn’t Need To Know 

  1. I first heard about this last week off “The Rest is History” podcast.


    The topic was Henry’s wives, but the gamy leg kept coming up in the discussion.

    I also recommend “We Have Ways of Making You Talk” podcast. Which is more WWII focused.


  2. “I teleported home last night with Ron and Sid and Meg
    Ron stole Meggy’s heart away and I got Sidney’s leg.”
    -Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  3. At least he had ONE that worked, I would have KILLED for that.

    By the way, my spiritual heirs in the Democrat party are us8sn their illegals to bring back the polio that crippled ME.


  4. It is nice to know that no matter how rich and famous and bloodthirsty and tyrannical an evil person becomes, he will sicken and die and go to hell eventually.

    Good to know even today as we look to our own geriatric entitled tyrants.

  5. General Malaise
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 8:46 AT 8:46 AM
    “Harry! He’s all over the damn tree! And it’s so tall and he’s way up there! I don’t think the fire department’s ladders can reach him. 🙁”

    …this is why FDs don’t usually do “cat rescues”, mostly because the cat generally doesn’t NEED it…


    …Steve Martin is a horrible Chief here, BTW. The response is disproportionate, the FFs not trained to use the equipment, the man who fell and is dangling from his harness is simply left to dangle, the scene is not secured…and this is all on HIM. All of those deficiencies are HIS responsibility to ensure don’t exist before the truck turns a tire.

    And then he shames his men in front of the public at the end by doing what should have been done to begin with while leaving them to flail with no commands at all.

    I’m GLAD Darryl Hannah banged the other guy. I hope she gave Steve the clap.

  6. Sounds like the monster wanted everyone to be as miserable as him. The King wasn’t the most barbaric in his punishments in history. They’ll all get their come uppins in the end. I’m sure he died a miserable death.


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