Everything you need to know about Kamala’s Veep – IOTW Report

Everything you need to know about Kamala’s Veep

Kamala picks radical Tim Walz | Everything you need to know about Minnesota Governor.

Steven Crowder has the breakdown. [Starts at 13:00]

26 Comments on Everything you need to know about Kamala’s Veep

  1. I had to walk away. I can’t stand the lying propaganda on an epic Mussolini level of 11!
    They dropped Shapoopi cuz he’s a Jew!!
    democRATz call RACIST!, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE, MYSOGENIST, etc, etc at the drop of a pin.
    I think we can confidently call Anti-Semetic when there is clear PROOF that the ARE!!

  2. Well I wouldn’t vote for Fetterman, but I’ll give him credit for coming a long way.
    I won’t denigrate the guy, but call me when he starts supporting common sense and Trump…

  3. ^^^^ Just because he doesn’t wanna go fight doesn’t mean he doesn’t want your son or mine to go to war for the PTB. He’s a chicken little. The Ds are all cowards.

  4. He’s got all the right credentials for a stinkin’ liberal:

    Walz received a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood in 2012, from the American Civil Liberties Union in 2011, from the American Immigration Lawyers Association in 2009–2010, from the AFL-CIO in 2010, from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in 2009–2010, and from the National Organization for Women in 2007.

    She perhaps thinks she’ll get the old man white haired-white skin vote with this stunt.

  5. Kamala to Tim Walz tonite at their first meeting after the slutty bitch made her decision: Tim, let me be very serious here for a minute. If you make one mistake, one fuck-up, I’m going to personally frog-walz you over Death Valley in 120 degree heat. You understand where I’m coming from right? OK, lets have a big hug and a glass of Champaigne, OK?

  6. We find him abhorrent and she’s the poster child for low IQ.
    The proof that they have the election all wrapped up is increasing. It’s not just staring us in the face, it’s screaming at us.


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