Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, And… – IOTW Report

 Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, And…

Aaron Siri: Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, & Its Link to the Abortion Industry.

The New York Times claims the evil Bobby Kennedy wants to ban the polio vaccine and paralyze children. That’s an absurd lie, explains his lawyer Aaron Siri. — Tucker Carslon has the story.

9 Comments on  Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, And…

  1. Not me.. I used to have some trust in shots, but the jab and it’s baggage that followed it along in the shadows told me no more. Along with special people not having to take it and none to the border invaders…what the hell was that about??

  2. The first polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk. It was an injection with the long needle stuck into your muscle. Had to have several boosters and they hurt like hell.
    The second polio vaccine was developed by Albert Sabin. This was the sugar cube vaccine you only needed to take once. In our area there was a problem that the vaccine was was contaminated with the SV40 Virus that came from the green monkey that was imported bypassing import screenings. This was a serious health problem for many and it posed a long term chronic sickness for hundreds. Was never formerly admitted what they did.
    The scar on your shoulder was from the smallpox vaccine. They put a drop on your skin and took a double headed needle and punched a lot of holes in your skin. If the vaccine took, it left the distinctive scar. The smallpox vaccine will help protect against the rising monkeypox but not completely.


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