Evil – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort:

Elizabeth Warren is a cold, heartless witch.

I’m trying not to curse so much. So pretend that last word in that headline has a “B” instead of a “W.”

When I heard the bloodless response given by Elizabeth Warren over the death of Mollie Tibbetts, I really wish I could say I was shocked.

But I’m not.

Warren is like every other Democrat.

Concern, sympathy and caring are only in theory – never in actual real life situations.

Warren appeared on CNN and proceeded to offer a quick word of condolence followed promptly by the word “but.”

“Sorry for your loss, BUT…”

You can watch it for yourself. Though why you would want to, I’ll never know.

15 Comments on Evil

  1. She says that we need to focus on where the real problems are….”at the border where mamma’s are being separated from their babies.” Those babies are also being separated from rapists and child traffickers.

    Yeah, those are real problems (but not during Obama’s reign), but my aforementioned examples are not what raise campaign dollars for the Resistance. She is not going to go with any narrative that says that evil doers are steaming across the border, only innocent senioras and senoritas with their niño pequeños. To admit that criminality is a consequence of an open border policy destroys her narrative that her future voter base are the real victims here, not some girl in Iowa.

  2. Oh, bloody Hell!!

    Be gone, Elizabeth Warren!!! Be gone, you strange, lying woman who makes up stories about your ancestry and craves a public position and living off taxpayers’ toil and sweat!!!

    Dear God in Heaven. She’s not not even able to represent herself honestly. She’s just another scandal and taxpayer ripoff waiting to happen.

  3. Sociopathic sub humans cannot create but can destroy…they have careers as Democrats in Government. Lack of Empathy, unable to discern reality, construct their own template for reality and a need for Power…just a few of the things to look forward to if Trump is ruined..

  4. I am still so dumbstruck, I can’t believe she actually said that out loud. My heart stopped for a second. It’s not just that it shows the evil in her soul, but that she lacks the ability to even comprehend what she said would be unacceptable to most people, is what astounds me.


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