Evil Seeps Through The Border: Children Are Reportedly Enslaved and Marketed – IOTW Report

Evil Seeps Through The Border: Children Are Reportedly Enslaved and Marketed

Starts at the 27 minute mark.
The Georgia Show: Are children part of the border crisis? Who is facilitating?
Cartel Wars and more.

7 Comments on Evil Seeps Through The Border: Children Are Reportedly Enslaved and Marketed

  1. Children and human life are commodities to the global cabal, to be used and abused as they see fit. The lucerfarians have always used human blood and sacrifices to further their nefarious ends.

    This is why abortions are sacred and why the use and abuse of children are done to serve Satan and his demons. Wake up and see the blood and it’s images all around us!

  2. Colorado tried to pass a law for a mandatory prison for buying and selling children for sex under age 5.
    All 174 Dems voted to suspend indefinitely.
    Those who defile innocents, should leave earth, indefinitely.

  3. Chile sex slavery, tens of thousands of deaths from Fentanyl, women and girls raped and murdered by criminal illegal aliens..all collateral damage and completely acceptable to democrats whose goal is complete control of everything in the lives of Americans.

  4. Dr. Phil has been reporting on this for several months. He interviewed the head Border Patrol guy, who told him that Bidenministration removed the Trump policy of DNA testing to confirm that a child was related to the adults bringing her across the border – in fact mandates that there NOT be DNA testing. These people are CREATING child slavery.


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