Ex-Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby found guilty of perjury regarding retirement homes in Florida – IOTW Report

Ex-Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby found guilty of perjury regarding retirement homes in Florida


Former Baltimore state attorney Marilyn Mosby was convicted Thursday of charges for lying about the finances of a business to improperly access retirement funds during the COVID-19 pandemic.

She got access to the money and used it to purchase two Florida homes.

Mosby was convicted by a federal jury on two counts of perjury, according to NBC News.

Prosecutors argued that she didn’t have the right to get those funds due to provisions of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.  more

22 Comments on Ex-Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby found guilty of perjury regarding retirement homes in Florida

  1. Joe6 sent a link out a couple days ago to a few, including management here, on how much big fat Fanni is worth now since she’s taken office. Mind blowing. That article should have been linked here. Maybe Joe can link it here

  2. she will be convicted of not stealing enough and immediatedly will be given food stamps, ssi, medicaid, empowerment zone money and anything else she hasn’t already stolen. democrap

  3. “She may face up to five years in prison for each charge…”

    Not bloody likely. She’s a black, female, democrat. Suspended sentence. Funny she was found guilty of perjury, but what about the charge of misuse of funds (or whatever she was charged with)? Does she get to keep the I’ll-gotten funds?


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