Ex-Border Chief: Biden Admin Told Him to Cover Up Terror Encounters, Arrests – IOTW Report

Ex-Border Chief: Biden Admin Told Him to Cover Up Terror Encounters, Arrests


Former Chief of the Border Patrol-San Diego Sector Aaron Heitke dropped damning information about the Biden-Harris administration regarding the border.

You can read all opening statements via this link. Heitke’s are pages 4-7.

“Throughout the first three plus years of this administration, I saw a steady decrease in countries we could send people back to,” started Heitke. “For the first time in my 25 years and under five different administrations, whether through neglect or on purpose, I saw a large-scale lapse in our ability to return people to their country of origin.”

Heitke said the Biden-Harris started their disaster from day one, stopping the border patrol from sending people back to their countries.

They “made a point of decreasing the amount of detention space available nationwide,” forcing officials to release the illegal aliens.

The San Diego Sector witnessed a massive increase in Significant Interest Aliens (SIA): MORE

1 Comment on Ex-Border Chief: Biden Admin Told Him to Cover Up Terror Encounters, Arrests

  1. Anyone with the slightest intellect saw what was happening and who was encouraging it. Sadly, what they’ve done may have already destroyed this country. In the twilight of my life, I thank God I grew up and lived most of my life in America’s Golden Age. Many of my ripe associates say the same. I pity the young.


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