Ex-CIA Boss Got “Bad Information”, Now “Relieved” Trump Not a Criminal – IOTW Report

Ex-CIA Boss Got “Bad Information”, Now “Relieved” Trump Not a Criminal

Ex-CIA boss John Brennan — who spent two years lambasting President Trump’s “malfeasance and corruption” — now tells Morning Joe he got “bad information”. Now that the Mueller probe is done, and Trump cleared, Brennan says he’s “relieved” that the U.S. president wasn’t part of a criminal conspiracy with Russia.

26 Comments on Ex-CIA Boss Got “Bad Information”, Now “Relieved” Trump Not a Criminal

  1. Brennan doing the back pedal hoping it will keep him off the radar should anybody decide that the traitors have to pay for their actions.

    Though I am not holding my breath.

  2. THIS treasonous asshole should be wearing an ankle bracelet for the rest of his life…………. then again maybe he should be given the usual penalty for treason!!!

  3. Ah,ah,ah Johnny ya fat bastid you’re lying again. Your moving lips ratted you out.

    Forget cow flatulence. Brennan can blow out a smellie cloud the size of the northern hemisphere.
    It’s a sure bet he’s disappointed his “collaboration” with others failed to end the presidency of DJ Trump.

  4. That’s liberal/democrap leadership for ya. It took him 2 years to get it. But when it comes to socialism, they have had 150+ years to get it, and they still don’t.

    They have no conception of what freedom is, and therefore are always ready to kick it to the curb.

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