Ex-City Attorney Made Phony ‘RACIAL THREAT’ Call To HImself – IOTW Report

Ex-City Attorney Made Phony ‘RACIAL THREAT’ Call To HImself



WND: (Richmond Times-Dispatch) Former Petersburg City Attorney Brian K. Telfair asked a city employee to buy a prepaid cellphone that he later used to make a phone call to himself — a call that Telfair told police was made by an unknown “redneck” caller who made racist threats to the mayor and two other city officials, according to court records.  read more


13 Comments on Ex-City Attorney Made Phony ‘RACIAL THREAT’ Call To HImself

  1. The term “Redneck” is used to disparage the farmers and builders who spend long days working in the sun to Make America Great. “Rednecks” do not succle on the teat of the government… they make their own way.

  2. In cases like this there should be no leniency unless a mental test show serious problems. The perp should be prosecuted to the maximum the law will allow and it should ensure that it is well publicised in order to deter others, of any color from these racial incident provoking actions.

  3. Wasn’t that from a scene in Blazing Saddles?

    Bart: [holding his own gun to his own head] “Nobody moves or the nigger gets it.”
    “Won’t somebody help that poor man?”

  4. Liberals are apparently genetically incapable of understanding the concept of “unintended consequences” in spite of the fact that they constantly create them.

  5. “Hey! Look at me!”
    “Hey! Look at me!”
    “Hey! Look at me!”

    “Oh … wait … don’t look too closely!”
    He should be taken out into a field, and his face shoved into a warm, wet, fresh cow pie.

    izlamo delenda est …

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