Ex-drug addict donates kidney to former police officer who had locked her up – IOTW Report

Ex-drug addict donates kidney to former police officer who had locked her up

“I just threw my phone down and the holy spirit told me right then that I had that man’s kidney,” James explained regarding when she learned through Facebook that Potter needed the organ. 


12 Comments on Ex-drug addict donates kidney to former police officer who had locked her up

  1. …I am properly humbled for what I said in an earlier thread about drug addicts not recovering in my experience, but I WAS right that it takes a move of God to do it.

    God is good.

    ALL the time.

    Chalk another one up to His glory…

  2. I’m not much of a faith guy, used to be, not so much any more. One thing I learned in life, though, is that when the Holy Spirit tells you to (insert whatever here), you best do it.

    Yeah, I believe in Ghost.

  3. flip
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 AT 9:03 PM
    “One thing I learned in life, though, is that when the Holy Spirit tells you to (insert whatever here), you best do it.”

    Sound advice.

    The Holy Spirit is like electricity. No one’s ever seen it, but you can see what it does all around you if you’re paying attention.

    …and either one will burn you if you disrespect it, and make your life WAY better if you DON’T…

  4. Vietvet
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 AT 9:17 PM
    “You gotta be kidney – uh, I mean – kiddin’ me.”

    It took guts to say that, I can barely stomach it, you’re a real liverator…


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