Ex-FBI analyst with nearly 390 classified docs in home sent to prison for violating Espionage Act – IOTW Report

Ex-FBI analyst with nearly 390 classified docs in home sent to prison for violating Espionage Act


Kingsbury worked for the bureau for over a decade, from 2004 to 2017.

A former FBI analyst has been convicted of violating the Espionage Act in connection with having nearly 400 classified document in her Missouri home and has been sentenced to nearly four years in prison.

The Justice Department said the ex-analyst, Kendra Kingsbury, was sentenced Wednesday in federal court and that some of the documents include information on national defense and secret methods of collecting national security intelligence. 

The documents also describe U.S. government efforts related to counterterrorism, counterintelligence and defense against cyber threats – including details on investigations across multiple agency field offices. They also include information about al Qaeda members, including a suspected associate of 9-11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, the department said. more

9 Comments on Ex-FBI analyst with nearly 390 classified docs in home sent to prison for violating Espionage Act

  1. Busy little bees. Glowies were out attempting to infiltrate a MAGA rally over the weekend once again. The entire shithole operation exists to serve and protect corruption and needs to be shut down.

    … and Sean Hannity is full of shit. The only ones who his apologetic applies to are the ones who have come forward.

  2. How many Classified documents did Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Joe Biden, as Vice President and Senator, illegally possess at their residence and other locations? Did Hunter Biden have access and use the classified documents to gain influence and illegal payments?
    Under the two tiered Justice system neither Clinton or Biden will face the legal system and prosecution applied to Kendra Kingsbury, FBI Agent recently sentenced to 4 years in prison (and other lower profile violators.

    Some remain too BIG and too POWERFUL to face prosecution and prison.
    DOJ and the FBI are selective when they decide not to equally apply the law of the politically connected.


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