“Ex-jihadist” Jesse Morton wants to dismantle “entire counterterrorism component of military-industrial complex” – IOTW Report

“Ex-jihadist” Jesse Morton wants to dismantle “entire counterterrorism component of military-industrial complex”

JihadWatch: He is “deradicalized,” he has renounced al-Qaeda, he’s comfortably “moderate” now. Now blames the U.S. for jihad terror, wants to dismantle the U.S.’s entire counterterrorism apparatus (such as it is), and wants to provide “holistic socio-pschological-political-economic alternatives based in the shariah” to fighting against jihad activity. And this man is teaching at George Washington University.

EXPOSED: Writings of GWU’s ‘ex-jihadist’ reveal he’s not so reformed after all,” by Benjamin Weingarten, Conservative Review, September 11, 2016:

Among the inexplicable ways in which the United States has responded to Islamic supremacism in the 15 years since September 11 — beyond enabling the world’s leading state sponsor of jihad in Iran, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and other “moderate jihadists” over relatively secular strongmen, and transitioning from a global war on terror (a tactic) to a program against “violent extremism” (a nebulous non-entity) — a recent storyout of the American academy is quite telling.

George Washington University has given a research position within its Center for Cyber and Homeland Security to Jesse Morton (formerly known as Younus Abdullah Muhammad), an ex-jihadist sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for threatening the creators of “South Park” for depicting Muhammad in a bear suit.Having chosen to serve as an informant for the FBI because of his expertise ‘jihadizing’ fellow Americans through Revolution Muslim (the Al Qaeda-supporting “activist” group that he led on U.S. soil), law enforcement officials and GWU firmly believe Morton is not only no longer a threat, but also an asset.


15 Comments on “Ex-jihadist” Jesse Morton wants to dismantle “entire counterterrorism component of military-industrial complex”

  1. “And this man is teaching at George Washington University.”

    This is why the country is in the state it is now. The educational system has warped countless minds from kindergarten through grad school. The progressives knew this was the key to success. Maybe it’s too late, but unless we clean up our educational system, it will only get worse.

  2. How about we dismantle islam itself, “ex-jihadist” Jesse?
    If it’s all the same to you, I’ll take my advice from General Pershing instead of a POS clown like you.
    Take your “socio-economic shariah-compliant” clap-trap to Iran and tell us how it goes.

  3. “..law enforcement officials and GWU firmly believe Morton is not only no longer a threat, but also an asset.”

    An asset to whom, or to what end, precisely? What complete and utter brazenness to lie so.

    I need to find a gulch, just to decompress.

  4. Being an “ex-jihadist” means he was too much of a pussy to blow himself up. He’s a bitch, a quitter, and Allah is going to fuck him in the ass when he goes to Jehannum.

  5. Gosh, Jesse, thank you sooooo much for sharing your amazing ideas! Instead of fighting against islam, you are suggesting we just roll over. Well isn’t that fantastic. Go eff yourself, Jesse. I will fight for my family and my country to my last breath.

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