Ex-Muslima Warns: “Abdul El-Sayed Is Practicing Taqiya To Become Michigan Governor” – IOTW Report

Ex-Muslima Warns: “Abdul El-Sayed Is Practicing Taqiya To Become Michigan Governor”


Farrah Prudence, an Ex-Muslim woman who was raised Muslim but chose to convert to Christianity after she fled her abusive Muslim father in Ohio is speaking out to warn the voters of Michigan about the creeping Sharia that is on their ballots this election cycle.

According to Prudence, who currently lives under protection due to the fact that she has a Fatwa over her head for being an apostate, Abdul El Sayed, a Sharia compliant Muslim man who is currently campaigning to become the next Governor of Michigan is “practicing Taqiya” in order to convince non-Muslims to vote for him.

In Islam, Taqiya is a component of Sharia Law that allows and encourages Muslims to lie to achieve their goals and spread Islam.

When asked whether or not El-Sayed was using Taqiya to appeal to non-Muslim voters, Prudence said, “Absolutely. The things that are told in front of non Muslims are not the same things that are shared inside the mosque.”  more here

6 Comments on Ex-Muslima Warns: “Abdul El-Sayed Is Practicing Taqiya To Become Michigan Governor”

  1. “The things that are told in front of non Muslims are not the same things that are shared inside the mosque.”

    Substitute ‘deplorables’ for non Muslims or congress or politics for mosque. Sound familiar?

  2. Michiganstan isn’t the only place islamism is spreading.
    The spread of islamism is here in New England. I woman whose parents own an inn in Jackson, NH told a muslim couple who complained about their room and wanted their money back that they do not issue refunds and it was in their policies. The man would not leave and she escorted him out. They, of course, pressed charges and the police completely took the muslim couple’s side and she is off to jail for hate crimes.
    Here in Maine Lewiston has had numerous attacks by Somali gangs and yet the police up there refuse to say it’s a problem with the Somalis. They say it’s a problem with young people.
    Why? Why are people so afraid to speak the truth? Lawsuits? That can’t be the only reason.

  3. The camels nose is in the tent, soon the whole camel will be.

    Islamic people should be banned from public office like any other anti American group is. Everywhere they take root hell follows, they are an invasive species.

  4. A government official lying to the people? For personal benefit!?

    Sorry, dear. If you’re stupid enough to believe their stories, a fatwa for publicly embarrassing your species is the least you deserve.


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