Ex NYPD Detective Bo Dietl Calls on Hillary Clinton to ‘Condemn’ Black Lives Matter – IOTW Report

Ex NYPD Detective Bo Dietl Calls on Hillary Clinton to ‘Condemn’ Black Lives Matter

Breitbart: In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, former NYPD detective Bo Dietl had scathing criticism for the Democratic candidate after her private meeting with top cops Thursday afternoon and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton’s new gig that has ties to the Clinton Foundation. 

As Breitbart has reported, the two hour long private meeting with Clinton and top cops comes at a time when her rival, GOP candidate Donald Trump’s message of law and order is resonating with the American people.

“In reality it is very nice, but my problem here is if Hillary Clinton is very serious, why doesn’t she condemn these radical Black Lives people that only want to cause disruption and discourse in our inner cities and using Black Lives Matter as an excuse to stir people up,” Dietl said. “Crime and murder is so high in our black neighborhoods and I don’t see race baiter Rev. Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson around demonstrating for more activities such as trade schools and high school after dark. Hillary is way off in this thing and when it comes time to election time, everyone promises the same old but it goes back to the same thing.”  MORE

3 Comments on Ex NYPD Detective Bo Dietl Calls on Hillary Clinton to ‘Condemn’ Black Lives Matter

  1. I’m busy checking out the photos of the bikini girl from the Middle East.
    Not sure why this annoying crap is on this page. I guess it a way to make money.
    It crashes my phone and is really annoying.

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