Ex-Officer Derek Chauvin cites new evidence in attempt to overturn George Floyd murder conviction – IOTW Report

Ex-Officer Derek Chauvin cites new evidence in attempt to overturn George Floyd murder conviction

A pathologist told Chauvin that he believes Floyd died from complications of a rare tumor that can spark a fatal adrenaline surge.

19 Comments on Ex-Officer Derek Chauvin cites new evidence in attempt to overturn George Floyd murder conviction

  1. Noise for the media.
    No mention of the fatal amount of fentanyl in his system.
    No mention of his life long criminal history.
    Heck, maybe the family would have to give back the $27 Million in hush money.

  2. Every Law Enforcement professional in Minnesota should have gone on strike the day the commies went after this innocent man. WHERE THE HELL ARE THEIR UNIONS? Oh, that’s right, their unions are in bed with the limp wristed commie faggot democrats and the MSM. FJB

  3. Everyone knew it was not Chauvin’s fault but TPTB wanted riots and here was something they could use to incite. One compliant Democrat coroner later, and now it’s entrenched lore that no amount of facts will ever be allowed to change. Too many very violent people and too many very powerful people would have to admit they supported a lie, and that is not going to happen.

  4. anonymoose makes a good point about fellow officers in MN letting things go to shit over this. This thin blue line is bullshit. Respect most of us had for cops is long fucking gone.

    I watched a video of a support Palestine rally in Seattle yesterday where 5 pukes on bicycles were stretched tire to tire in a crosswalk blocking 100s of people from driving. 2 or 3 lanes packed with cars, frozen and the fucking cops just standing around while drivers are flipping their shit. I heard one cop say, “these people have the right to protest and make some uncomfortable” Wut? Eat a fucking bag of dicks asshole.

  5. Is evidence even necessary in Kangaroo Kourt?

    Stalin and Beria never required evidence – they just tortured confessions out of their victims.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There was a mistrial declared in the Loisville shooting of a “female Black firefighter” in her drug-dealing boyfriend’s crib too.


    Liberal national radio service happily pointed out the jury was mostly White, too.

    They seem to be setting up for some bonfires this Christmas, but involving entire cities with White people as the chestnuts.

    Be ready.

  7. What was wrong with the evidence produced by the defense attorney at the first trial which in Pre PostAmerica would have been enough for a summary dismissal mere microseconds after the defense rested

    Did you all know that the narrative that was pushed by media and the Democrazis all thru 2020 wasnt used at all? And that the Court and The Persecution substituted a completely different, bullshit theory — one so convoluted that even I, with my 99.9 percentile verbal IQ, couldnt follow?

    So why would any new evidence make any difference? Even if the ghost of George Floyd actually showed up in court and said it wasnt Chauvin’s fault at all, it still wouldn’t matter

  8. B C Aeich Thursday, 16 November 2023, 21:55 at 9:55 pm….

    “wild bill, also those cops were using a trained technique to incapacitate, but do no serious harm. Travesty, railroad job!!!”

    …A for-real, reverse, judicial, racial train wreck with an intended outcome…

    …and, a very “Happy Thanksgiving!” to the Mainstream Press at the Marxist major-media (“triple-M”) train yard.

  9. per·cen·tile
    each of the 100 equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.
    each of the 99 intermediate values of a random variable that divide a frequency distribution into 100 groups:

    percentile is a whole number from 1 to 100

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