Ex-Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder(R) gets 20 years in prison for House Bill 6 bribery scheme – IOTW Report

Ex-Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder(R) gets 20 years in prison for House Bill 6 bribery scheme

Cleveland.com: In a federal house in Cincinnati on Thursday, Ex-Ohio House speaker Larry Householder was sentenced to 20 years in prison, the maximum he could have received under a racketeering charge a jury convicted him of earlier this year. Per Adam Ferrise, Householder offered no apology in his statement before the court, saying that “my life was totally and fully about making life better for those I served.” Prosecutors, meanwhile, asked for the maximum sentence, saying Householder violated the public’s trust and lied under oath from the witness stand during his trial. Householder was convicted of leading a scheme to secretly receive $60 million from Akron-based FirstEnergy Corp – a bankroll that helped fund his political operation, execute a campaign to pass legislation worth more than $1 billion for the company, and pay off his personal debts.

U.S. District Judge Timothy S. Black delivered a blistering speech before sentencing Householder that several reporters remarked was one of the most scathing they’d ever seen from a judge. Black called Householder “a bully with a lust for power” and said before ordering that he be handcuffed and brought into custody: “The court and the community’s patience for Mr. Householder has passed.”

U.S. Attorney Kenneth Parker was tight-lipped about when more indictments may come in the case, but indicated his office is reviewing evidence. “We continue to look for evidence and look to recordings for some of these individuals,” he said. more

10 Comments on Ex-Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder(R) gets 20 years in prison for House Bill 6 bribery scheme

  1. Right about what would have happened had he been a Democrat. That being said, I am surprised he is a Republican. Normally in cases such as this, the word “Republican” or “GOP” would have been in the first paragraph at least four times. The article did not even say he was a friend of Donald Trump based on the fact they have been known to be in the same time zone at some point.

  2. Well, gee, if they do all that to a guy for just taking a bribe for a contract from an energy compay, then what would they do to a guy who getting his dissolute druggie son put on the board of an energy company with a bunch of other American politicians kids in exchange for billion dollar contracts, getting Ukranian prosecutors fired with American taxpayer dollar blackmail, gets a 10% documented kickback, blows up competing gas lines, and is willing to precipate WWIII to keep their money laundry going?

    …THAT punishment would be EPIC.


  3. Really don’t care about what party they belong to. Criminal activity must be stopped.

    Unfortunately, that is a big diff between Dem and GoP. They will protect a Dem at all costs.

    BUT, if we don’t stay true to holding EVERYONE accountable, then we have no ground to stand on. It’s only partisan politics then, and the gun is the only way to solve that problem.


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