Ex-State Dept. Official May Have Lied To Congress About Hillary’s Email Setup – IOTW Report

Ex-State Dept. Official May Have Lied To Congress About Hillary’s Email Setup

DC: The recent release of House Benghazi Committee interview transcripts includes one from a now-retired State Department official who appears to have given inconsistent statements about his knowledge of Hillary Clinton’s email practices.

During an interview with the committee last year, John Bentel, the former director of the Executive Secretariat’s information resource management division, which manages records and communications for State Department’s leadership, claimed he had no knowledge of Clinton’s use of personal email account or private server.

But emails recently released by Judicial Watch — as well as findings laid out in a recent State Department inspector general’s report — appear to show that he was involved in discussions about Clinton’s email use.

He also received a memo in March 2009 which showed that Clinton’s private server was set to be installed at her New York residence.

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