Ex-Trump aide lays out Afghan withdrawal plan that Biden scrapped – IOTW Report

Ex-Trump aide lays out Afghan withdrawal plan that Biden scrapped

Just The News: The Biden administration ignored or jettisoned carefully designed plans to withdraw from Afghanistan, with the result being chaos and bedlam, a former national security official to President Donald Trump said.

“I don’t even know that anyone could have made this awful scenario up,” former National Security Council Senior Director Kash Patel told Just the News. “It’s literally worse than you could possibly conjure.”

Patel, who handled the Pentagon transition to Biden’s team as chief of staff to Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, made his remarks while appearing Thursday on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

The Biden team has failed to prepare for evacuating American citizens and Afghans who helped the U.S. government, Patel said, and has allowed other important issues to founder.

“There’s no plan to secure our weaponry or machinery, we’re just giving it over to terrorists,” Patel said. “And there’s no plan to secure a Kabul International Airport so that at least flights can get in and out.”

Careful plans, though, already were laid out by the Trump administration, and were offered to Team Biden, Patel said.  MORE

8 Comments on Ex-Trump aide lays out Afghan withdrawal plan that Biden scrapped

  1. Here is something I thought I would never hear in my lifetime ,”We are incapable of saving the thousands of Americans still trapped in (pick any country you like)”.

    These are not the confessions or a great and powerful country.

  2. Like I said – Benghazi 2.0.
    This is all planned and on purpose in order to give the muzloids the best weaponry available on the planet to continue their reign of terror.

  3. From all that has been occurring over the past year and a half. as well as,the more recent, inconceivable actions and EOs of Biden, it’s all beginning to appear being a deliberate and orchestrated act of war by both foreign and domestic enemies who are intent on the total destruction of the United States of America with a thousand slow cuts from all angles.


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