Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens


Lennox Lake

On May 6th 2017 on the way back from DisneyLand, Ingrid Lake’s car was struck by a drunk driver. The accident severely injured her 6 year old son Lennox. The driver of the vehicle Constantino Banda Acosta, was previously deported over 15 times before the accident. This accident has forever altered the Lake family.



Ronald Da Silva

On April 27, 2002, Ronald da Silva was standing with a friend in his driveway when he was shot and killed by an illegal alien who had been previously deported. The illegal alien was sentenced to 21 years in prison but will be released in 2020. Ronald da Silva’s mother, Agnes Gibboney, has made a powerful statement, “The guy that killed my son has a determinate sentence in prison but I have a lifetime sentence of grief and pain.” Since the tragedy occurred, Agnes has been on the front line pushing for immigration reform.


Tessa Tranchant

Tessa Tranchant, 16, was killed on March 30, 2007 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Tessa and her friend, Ali Kunhardt, were sitting at a stoplight when Alfredo Ramos, an illegal alien from Mexico who was intoxicated and speeding, rear-ended their car. Ramos had a history of prior convictions, but due to Virginia Beach’s sanctuary policies, he was never detained. He was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to 40 years in prison.  MORE

13 Comments on Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens

  1. …you left out the one about the illegal alien that committed fraud to obtain several elected offices, all the way to President, which he used to commit further felonies ranging from theft in office to murder to treason, far too many to list here.

    …he also illegally ran guns and money to our enemies and corrupted and bribed and threatened many Law Enforcement officers, and continues to illegally draw Federal benefits with a Social Security number stolen from a man in Connecticut, and continues to flout US laws including the Hatch Act, while encouraging others to do so.

    And he also has thousands of counts of aiding and abbetting illegal immigration, including those devils listed above.

    One wonders when Justice will be done on this Indonesian Muslim. Allowing him to remain free just encourages many others…

  2. There are also the increasing hit and run accidents, many of which leave seriously injured and dead victims, that are (at least as near as I can tell from limited reporting about the ones that were solved) disproportionately caused by drunken illegal alien drivers.

    Of course, the leftist response to that is the movement to grant drivers licenses so they will magically become responsible drivers and neither leave the scene of the accident or drive while drunk.

  3. THIS is what is needed at a SOTU address. Let’s face it, were the SOTU held in House chambers, it’s just another opportunity for the left side of the aisle to scowl at POTUS.

    It would be far more effective for POTUS to give a 2 min intro before launching a lengthy video compilation of these stories. Everyone knows the familiar names, Officer Singh,Jamal, Steinle, Root, Angel Moms, etc., but there are thousands of nameless/faceless victims such as Lennox Lake.

    POTUS should then close with graph/charts of line item costs, (policing/education/food stamps/WIC/healthcare/judiciary/prisons/stolen SS#/childcare credit for illegal kids etc etc), and the billions per year tax payers are forced to pay, whilst their families/communities suffer.

    Enough with repetitious talking points. FACTS backed up with stats are what’s needed.

  4. Has anyone who has been the victim of an illegal in a sanctuary state or city ever sued the government level that created the circumstances (the sanctuary rules) that led to the tragedy for failing to enforce federal regulations? In essence it would seem that the governments acted as an accomplice before the fact and should be held responsible. In Theresa Trenchant it would seem to be the Governor (and perhaps every member of the state legislature that voted in favor of sanctuary) would be made to at least face a civil suit. I know there are certain protections afforded these politicians and bureaucrats against civil suits however in each of these cases they are ignoring the Feds and created a situation where these tragedies were not unanticipated but almost guaranteed.

  5. I knew someone who was a state trooper forty years ago. He worked in an agricultural area. Even back then he knew who was at fault in a traffic accident. If the illegal was at the scene when the trooper arrived, he knew the accident was the other person’s fault. If the illegal was not there then he was at fault.


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