Exclusive: Behind the Scenes as Liz learns to drink beer – IOTW Report

Exclusive: Behind the Scenes as Liz learns to drink beer

Patriot Retort:

Exclusive from the Wildly Inaccurate Dianny News Service: We have obtained exclusive audio from an anonymous source that gives us a peek behind the scenes as Liz Warren prepares for her livestream chat from her kitchen.


Unnamed Staffer
Okay, Senator.  Before you start filming maybe we
should do a dry run-through with the camera off.

Okay. That’s fine.  What do you think of this suit?

Unnamed Staffer
I’m not sure a business suit is the right look here.
You’re in your kitchen just kicking back. Maybe a
sweatshirt and jeans would be better.

A what? Sweatshirt?  I’m not sure I have one of those.
And I haven’t owned a pair of jeans since Gloria Vanderbilt
was selling them.  (long pause) Wait! I just remembered!
I think there’s an old pair of Jordasche jeans in the attic.

Unnamed Staffer

Well, maybe I can borrow a pair.

Unnamed Staffer
Forget the jeans and sweatshirt. Maybe we can go with
a sweater and slacks.

Fine. I’ll go change.

Second Unnamed Staffer
This is a bad idea. I think we should just go with Liz sitting
behind a desk.

Unnamed Staffer
We can’t do that. Liz really wants to look relatable. Like
Beto and Ocasio-Cortez.

Second Unnamed Staffer
Then can we clear some of this crap out of here? Her kitchen
looks like a Williams-Sonoma showroom. Stick some boxes of
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese on a shelf. Replace that expensive
Keurig with a Mr. Coffee.

Unnamed Staffer
We don’t have time.

How’s this?  Do I look more with-it in this?

Unnamed Staffer
Let’s avoid using “with-it” if we can, okay?

Second Unnamed Staffer
You look fine, Senator. But maybe lose the diamond earrings.

Unnamed Staffer
Now, Senator.  We thought you could start off just shooting the
breeze. Then, take a moment to stop and open a cold beer.

A beer?!  We don’t have beer in the house.

Unnamed Staffer
No, I know. I ran out and got you a six pack. They’re in the fridge.

Okay.  (rummaging through cabinet) What kind of glass does
one use to consume beer?

Second Unnamed Staffer
It would be more authentic if you just drank it out of the

Like a hobo in the street?!

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