EXCLUSIVE: Leaked O’Keefe Email Shows Washington Post Won’t Admit to Fake News – IOTW Report

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked O’Keefe Email Shows Washington Post Won’t Admit to Fake News

Rebel Media’s Laura Loomer reports: Rebel Media has obtained “leaked emails” from “multiple high level sources” at Project Veritas that prove
the Washington Post is materially misleading in its coverage of the recent bombshell revelations concerning CNN pushing fake news.
In a “leaked” email between Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe and Washington Post reporter Paul Farhi (see below) Washington Post’s absolute refusal to correct the record when confronted with clear cut evidence of a highly inaccurate statement is exposed.


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7 Comments on EXCLUSIVE: Leaked O’Keefe Email Shows Washington Post Won’t Admit to Fake News

  1. These media outlets are crying about being labeled as enemies of the American public.
    But if these media outlets consider our viewpoints boorishly wrong, and their reporters and editors all have disdain for us, the public, and they actively campaign against our wishes, are they not, in fact, our political enemies?

  2. “thou shalt not bare false witness–lie’s” don’t worry you all, the day is coming soon when all liars-murderer’s- idol worshipers- pedophiles- democrats will be judged. 🙂

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