Excuse me. Does Anyone Here Speak Morse Code? – IOTW Report

Excuse me. Does Anyone Here Speak Morse Code?

Let’s hope it doesn’t get that far. lol.
But it wouldn’t hurt to learn it anyway.

47 Comments on Excuse me. Does Anyone Here Speak Morse Code?

  1. If your really want to learn CW, never ever ever look at that table of dots and dashes again. Training your brain to translate the sound of a letter to a series of Dots and Dashes, then to the actual letter will forever cripple your speed. Your goal is to recognize the sounds of letters without thinking of the individual dots and dahs. The sound Di-dah-dit directly means “R”. Later on you will naturally start to recognize the sounds of common combinations of letters, such as “the” or “ing”, and not have to think of the single.

    The Koch Method is a favored approach and there are free software trainers like G4FON CW Trainer and lcwo.net. You might take a look at K7QO’s course at https://www.kkn.net/~k7qo/ or buy a key and rig and sign up for the CWops cw Academy and play with experienced operators.

    What? Everyone on this thread isn’t really interested in CW?

  2. My dad, who was a radioman on CV-6 Enterprise during the war, said you can id Morse operators from their unique way of tapping out letters, called their ‘fist. So be careful out there!

  3. @Cherrybark You took the words right out of my mouth.

    The only thing I’ll add is ANTENNA THEORY… know it, live it… because without it, your radio is nothing but a paperweight with pretty lights.

  4. So he asks us to subscribe before we even see the video!

    Anonymous: identifying people by their โ€œfistโ€ helped the US during the war. In at least one case the Japanese went to unique ship identifiers for a specific operation. The reason for those special identifiers was so that the Americans would not know what particular ships were up to. However, one Japanese radio operator had such a distinctive fist that US code breakers, who knew what ship he was on, were able to know what his ship was up to.

    Yes. Morse is an audible language so donโ€™t pay much attention to written charts. I am pretty rusty, but I canโ€™t quite take the Koch method. I first learned code almost 50 years ago and my ear just is not in tune with that method. I would say it is a good way to go for someone just starting out.

  5. I read somewhere that the FBI is complaining about deplorables being banned from SocMed, because it makes it hard for us to be snooped, tracked and entrapped. Should have thought about that before, jackboots.

  6. I was up to 10 words a minute back when you
    had to have 12 words a minute to get your
    general license. Morse code “CW” can be picked
    out in heavy static {QRM} when voice cannot be

  7. …speaking of comms, I subscribed to get emails from the Trump White House.

    Today, I got my first email from the Biden WH.

    And the last.


    …cheeky child fuckers though, thinking that people who signed up for a LEGITIMATE President are gonna want to hear from the pedophile election theif…

    …I will not respect or obey or in any way accept that a pedophile is president, no matter how many fake parades under the watchful eye of a purged military they have for it.

    And thats all I’m going to say about it.

  8. A dipole ( or inverted V) is a great general purpose antenna thatโ€™s well within everyoneโ€™s ability to build. Just use 492 / freq. in MHz. That said, end effects reduce that by about 5%, so use 468 instead of 492. Easy Peasy.

  9. Damn. There’s a LOT of people here who know morse code.

    I can’t even make a pun with my name involving morse.

    I would feel ashamed…but I can’t tap dance either. Whatever. I picked my skill sets, I have no regrets.

  10. I remember a local retired Navy Captain who was a former POW. He told how the POWs would communicate via a modified version where they tapped on the walls.
    They would end with GBU (God bless You).

  11. I was a shortwave radio fanatic. My first radio was a Yaesu. I got my ham license in 1981. I loved the morse code and was pretty good at it. I really think it is time for the quiet war to start. Learn Morse code. Learn shorthand. Learn to be subtle. If anyone asks who you voted for, tell ’em, “Biden…. apparently.”
    There’s all kinds of ways to muck up the Engine of State Almighty. Some people think truck blockades would be a good idea. A better idea is for the drivers to know which territories not to go to in the first place. Trucks just don’t show up.
    Gonna teach the kids to hate themselves like a Swede? Not if they don’t show up for school. Just disappear them.


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