Excusing Misbehavior Is Bad For Kids And Schools, But That’s What Biden Admin Wants To Do For ‘Equity’ – IOTW Report

Excusing Misbehavior Is Bad For Kids And Schools, But That’s What Biden Admin Wants To Do For ‘Equity’


In the latest example of doubling down on bad policies, the Biden administration is currently seeking to restore Obama-era federal guidance that had severe consequences for student safety. According to recent reports, the policies under consideration would investigate schools based on their rates of discipline of students with disabilities and those from racial minority backgrounds. In the past, these investigations have led to the threats of federal lawsuits against school districts, and mandated a focus on reducing the rates of suspension for disabled and minority students.  

All of these policies are based on the woke narrative surrounding “disparate impacts.” Under this theory, even a policy that, on its face, is entirely race-neutral, is adjudged to be racist if it affects individuals from different races or backgrounds at different rates. This narrative has come to the forefront not only in education, but also in policing with countless headlines noting that minorities are arrested and incarcerated at higher rates for a wide variety of crimes.   more

19 Comments on Excusing Misbehavior Is Bad For Kids And Schools, But That’s What Biden Admin Wants To Do For ‘Equity’

  1. I actually clicked on that federalist story just to check if they still had the comment threads turned off. If a website wants my attention they best have the balls to keep the comment threads running. If not i belive they think their commentary is above being scrutinized by us common folk. I’m to the point where I won’t even visit it they can’t let us opine.


  2. My Dad kicked the shit out of me when I fucked up.

    Dear Dad,

    Thanks for kicking the shit out of me. It kept me on the straight and narrow growing up in a shitty neighbourhood. That’s why I gave you the Rolex 3 months ago.

    I love you for it & mom for the wooden spoons she broke on my ass.

    Your son Rick.

  3. So they want to relax the rules for disruptive students, and make it easier for them to remain in school – at least until they turn 16 and drop out. I bet the other students are just thrilled about that.

  4. Biden hasn’t changed one bit. He still plagiarizes. Now he’s stealing from Obama, again. Joe is an empty vessel, vapid of original thought. He, himself, thinks he is the next FDR. Just another plagiarized wet dream from hollow man Joe.

  5. This policy is precisely why Trevon Martin eventually met his demise. Had his high school turned him over to the police after he burglarized the school, he would have been in jail instead of lurking around Florida beating the shit out of Zimmerman.

    Here’s an idea, if you want to reduce the number of minorities in prison, figure out how to keep them from committing crimes. And quit importing more minority criminals into the country.

  6. Just when you think the Democrats/Uniparty and the U.S. Government have destroyed the American family enough…

    …there’s this… from the worst President/crime family head in U.S. history… in power by a stolen election… financed by the biggest Ponzi Scheme in World history… currently inducing a total collapse of the American economy… as part of a World-wide population reduction effort… after the previous President armed numerous Federal agencies to the teeth… and aiming for a one-party, dictatorial rule by World-wide Communists, oligarch’s and global elitists…

    Never mind. The sentence is hard to end. It is what it is.

  7. We really just need parents to be parents. Not friends, not just understanding, not letting the TV/internet raise children.
    It didn’t matter happened at school, you were more afraid of what happened when you got home.

  8. Nothing new. He just Ed dusted off the PROMISE disparate impact plan, implemented by obama in response to his son’s Trayvon “unfortunate” demise. B’cause it worked so well the first time.

    Biden doesn’t have an original thought/policy in his entire admin. The puppet master is running the show. Biden just gets tangled up in the strings.

  9. I saw those crappy policies in action in schools.
    It’s easy to get a badly behaved kid diagnosed as disabled in some way.
    One time one of the kids went into the art teacher’s closet and stole a craft knife. The art teacher was blamed.
    Then we saw some kids so heavily drugged they’d lie down on the groung outside and sleep.
    Funny thing was when the special ed teachers left them with us lunch aides who were all moms, they behaved. We didn’t put up with their antics.

    These policies will breed badly behaved adults in the end.

  10. “Excusing Misbehavior Is Bad For Kids And Schools, But That’s What Biden Admin Wants To Do For ‘Equity’”

    Humper is a good example of this, and his father enabled him his whole life – Ashley too. Typical American dysfunctional family – and he’s running the country!!! WTF!

  11. The real story is that shitty behavior by black kids will be ignored. If a white kid does even the slightest thing wrong, he’ll get expelled.

    democrats love demonic black scum. The more vicious, the better.

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