Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport Dies in Hospital After Getting Shot in the Head by ATF – IOTW Report

Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport Dies in Hospital After Getting Shot in the Head by ATF


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Bryan Malinowski, the executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport, was gravely wounded Tuesday morning after getting in a firefight with federal agents with the ATF serving a search warrant at his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. Authorities claimed Malinowski opened fire first, leaving them no choice but to fire back.

Now, the Daily Mail reveals that the 53-year-old Malinowski died in the hospital at noon on Thursday, citing officials from the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport. Some troubling questions have also emerged regarding the official narrative and incident itself.

TGP notes that the specifics of the warrant and the reasons behind the ATF’s involvement at Malinowski’s residence remain a mystery, as authorities have refrained from commenting further ostensibly due to the “ongoing investigation.”

Matthew Malinowski, Bryan’s brother, told Fox News struggled to find a reason why the ATF targeted his brother. He speculated that his brother may have “brought something he shouldn’t have.” more

27 Comments on Executive Director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport Dies in Hospital After Getting Shot in the Head by ATF

  1. Another Arkancide, what else is new, go figure. As long as the Clintons are alive there will always be Arkancides of any person who knows too much about these 2 evil excuses for human beings. That picture of hellary dressed as a prison guard looks like it was stolen from a Babylon Bee parody.

  2. Biggest surprise is there is actually a “ Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport”. Most unpopular name for an airport since Harry Reid International.

  3. Any bets they’re busy concocting a story and a back-dated warrant and scrubbing video and if there is a video do they have AI working on the Lego movie version where everyone wears a Lego-head?

  4. “I’m making out the report now. We haven’t quite decided whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.:
    -“Casablanca”, 1942

  5. Does the Hill-Billy airport still have the “Epstein Lounge” for the high-rollers?
    Do the TSA pervs wear blue dresses for the “special screenings”?

  6. From Gateway Pundit:

    “Arkansas State Police have confirmed that Malinowski was the individual who fired on the agents, prompting them to return fire.”

    “Arkansas State Police”…the same bunch who served as Clinton’s praetorian guard, bimbo procurers and coverup team? Color me skeptical.

  7. I don’t believe anything the ATF says.
    Have you seen the videos of them trying to force their way into homes without warrants?
    A few smart homeowners called the local Sheriff or police and put a stop to it.
    The ATF has a long history of thuggery.

  8. Bill And Hillary National Airport

    FAA Ident 187

    Elevation -666

    NOTAMs – Classified

    Airport Use – Money Laundering

    Instrument Procedure – Kill Dog. Kill Clinton enemy. Claim they shot first.

    Management – Currently Seeking Executive Director

  9. this guy came from outside Aransas and has no connection to the clintons, so knock off the Arkancide stuff.

    the guy make 250K a year and is an avid gun collector. no priors.

    my guess it that ATF did a “no knock” at 6am and when they busted down the door the guy opened fire on them. they fired back. now we have this shitshow.

    why did this happen? who knows. maybe he didn’t turn in his bump stock on time. maybe he had an evil FRT. whatever the reason I’m sure it’s stupid.

  10. p.s. while little rock is no Chicago, it does have a problem group that enjoys flaunting the law.home invasion is but one of their preferred activities.

  11. I can’t imagine what kind of dirt a Director of an Airport could have stumbled on. Maybe some flight logs of immigrant laden planes. Who knows. But this was a straight up Government sponsored assassination. About the most blatant ever.

  12. Brad, they could have got him on his way to or at work. Doesn’t make any strategic sense to raid him at his location of best defense. Somebody was looking for headlines.

  13. Different Tim

    My opinion is, less witnesses, less security cameras. If I were going to kill someone like that it would be early AM at their house. Just be sure and cover up the Ring Door Bell camera.

  14. Any “No Knock” warrant is a Home Invasion.
    All home invaders need to be killed.
    If “law” enforcement must break the law to enforce the law then that law is illegitimate, as are the enforcers.

    Straight-up GESTAPO/NKVD/KGB tactics.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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