Executive Gun Control: Five Seniors Obama Might Have Disarmed – IOTW Report

Executive Gun Control: Five Seniors Obama Might Have Disarmed

Breitbart: On January 4–the day before President Obama announced his executive gun control to the nation–the White House released an executive order fact sheet showing that a gun ban for some Social Security beneficiaries was being brought under the auspices of Obama’s executive action.

gun grannies

This particular gun ban immediately brings to mind the frequency with which grandmas and grandpas use guns to defend themselves and their families and forces the reader to consider what the plight of such seniors might be if Obama took away their guns.

What would have happened to these five seniors if Obama had taken away their guns?

1. On April 21, 74-year-old Jewell Turner was sitting in her truck in Fort Worth, Texas, when a man walked up and stuck a knife to her throat. She was able to convince him to change his mind by sticking a gun in his face and telling him to “back off.”

2. On May 15, 72-year-old Robert Dietz walked outside to check on his surveillance cameras after they had “gone dark.” According to KHOU.com, Dietz then “found a man rummaging through a storage trailer he keeps parked under his carport.” The suspect hit Dietz in the head with a gas can, so Dietz opened fire, shooting the suspect in the stomach.  MORE


20 Comments on Executive Gun Control: Five Seniors Obama Might Have Disarmed

  1. So, if these seniors DO get a gun against SocSec regulations and O’BaoMao’s Executive Orders, what’s going to happen? Put in jail? The senior citizens might even want that. Free room. Free board. Free medical. Exercise yard every day. Free burials when they die. I’m not seeing a downside here.

    And if the judicial system decides to try and take other kinds of actions against senior citizens, beware the person whose back is to the wall, who has nothing left to lose.
    Can you say 4GW? I knew you could.

  2. Updating the NICS, Executive Orders for doctors to report mentally ask risk people, and identifying and confiscate guns from Social Security Beneficiaries, requires money. Congress can easily stop all this by not funding it.

  3. Visited the Dr. today, got asked (axed) the mental health Q’s, nurse said it was a survey they’re required to do. Told her ‘I have no such problems’.
    Doc & I talked Packers Football instead.

  4. If you think about it, this is one is one of the very rare dictates by Obama that has some rational basis.
    When people chose to become wards of the state they forfeit some control over their lives.
    I realize that there exists a vanishingly small group that would starve otherwise, but aside from them it is a choice and if a person does not like restrictions that come with that choice they are free to withdraw from it or never make it in the first place.
    Also, before anyone jumps up with “A politician guaranteed that SS is not welfare” well, read the law and get back to me. Until then, Hillary has bridges for sale.

  5. As much as I hate to put personal shit on the webs…

    Day before yesterday, I came in from my backyard workshop to find someone had invaded our home while I was out there, and ransacked our bedroom for every bit of personal jewelry my wife and I own, along with a couple of old bottles of expired prescription drugs. They could not have been in here for more than 10 minutes and it is clear that they knew exactly how to pull off a daylight burglary without leaving any traces behind.

    In addition to most of my wife’s jewelry, they also got my Great-Grandfather’s 1893 pocket watch, my father’s gold cuff links, and every single one of my Navy medals (including the miniatures) and every single one of my old Chief and Senior Chief collar devices. I have no way to express the value of these things, especially not in terms of money to an insurance adjuster.

    I am also haunted by the thought that I could have easily walked around the corner to be greeted by a charging, panic stricken meth-head who would have likely done just about anything to get back out the way he came in, including going right through me.

    At 61 I have no illusions about participating physical combat. What struck me later was the realization that he was between me and my Glock.

    For now my 12 gauge shotgun is upstairs above my shop and I am looking for a 9mm for my downstairs shop. My .45 is moved to a much handier secure place in the house.

    The most striking thing about this is that everyone I talk to about this has their own story about being ripped off like this or knowing someone close to them who has been ripped off like this. It happens all the time but somehow nobody ever hears about it and it continues unabated.

    The lesson is that when seconds count, the police are minutes away; and when they do get here they are good for little else than providing a report to give to your insurance company. Not only do older Americans need guns, they need more than one in order to be prepared to defend themselves, even behind their own locked doors and against multiple domestic criminal threats the local police simply cannot and will not deal with.

    This is why Sturm-Ruger stock is up over 900% since Obama took office. If he really wants to do something for gun control he should sit down and STFU.

  6. “When people chose to become wards of the state they forfeit some control over their lives.”

    That’s not what’s happening here. The Anti 2 A crowd doesn’t get it and they go down that same bunny trail. You can’t take an American Citizens rights away with out due process and that’s what these bastards are doing. They’re pissing all over the constitution. The document that is supposed to protect us from THEM. If you want to take somebodies constitutional rights away they deserve a day in court.

  7. I don’t mean to be posting here this much, but Chieftain, buy a damn holster because those guns you’ve stashed around the house will never be in the right spot when you need them. Think about a stashed gun and the 21 foot rule. Every tactical trainer worth a crap recommends carrying at home.

  8. Home-carry chieftain. I know how you feel about those anchors; my “originals” are the only “jewelry” in my safe.

    Hard to believe someone that doesn’t live there can rifle through so much of your stuff in only ten minutes.

  9. If a person agrees to give up rights in exchange for something else they want more, that does not constitute “taking” a right.
    The ‘taking” in this case is from the working people who have no choice in the matter.
    FYI, I am 61.

  10. “When people chose to become wards of the state they forfeit some control over their lives.”
    And, pray tell, since when did taking SocSec or being on Medicare become a CHOICE. That’s one of the many things about the US Gooberment that pisses me off. That I really have NO CHOICE about either paying into, or being forced into at a certain age, either of these SOCIALIST programs.

  11. When my mother died, someone at the hospital stole her wedding rings off of her finger. We filed a police report just in case it might do any good. The police did tell us that locally, they have a statute that the pawn shops have to check purchases against a list of stolen merchandise generated by the police (it might be standard procedure everywhere these days). It sounds like some of your items were pretty unique and might be identifiable by description.

    The police claimed that they had some success because if the pawn operators were caught with stolen goods they lose their license. Thus, they were generally forthcoming with items that could be identified successfully. We didn’t have any close up pictures of my mom’s rings and we couldn’t really provide any kind of description that would differentiate it from other rings. Dad only remembered the name the set was sold under 50+ years prior which didn’t do any good for recovery. It might be worthwhile to file a police report for your items just in case a pawn shop reports something like an antique gold watch and military medals.

  12. I should have noted that the statute also requires pawn operators to record a specific description of each item purchased so the cops could compare them to the list they keep based on reports of theft. A couple of the shops we checked told us that they photograph pretty much all the jewelry they buy now as well because it is often difficult to describe accurately.

  13. You are missing the point.
    Paying taxes is not a choice for most of us.
    Cashing a welfare check, on the other hand, is a choice.
    No one will take you at gunpoint to jail for refusing welfare, be it SNAP, SS, Medicare, or the hundreds of others.

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