Expect no immediate improvement in New Zealand after Jacinda Ardern leaves office – IOTW Report

Expect no immediate improvement in New Zealand after Jacinda Ardern leaves office

American Thinker:
By Thomas Lifson

The unexpected announcement of the resignation of the execrable Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand brought a moment of hope that the Kiwis might recover from her misgovernance of the lovely island nation. Monica Showalter three days ago explained her draconian lockdown (the worst in the world outside of China), destruction of the economy, inflation, green hysteria policies, and China sucking up that drove her approval from 70% to 29%. MORE

6 Comments on Expect no immediate improvement in New Zealand after Jacinda Ardern leaves office

  1. Jacinda Ardern is an oozing pustule, a symptom.
    New Zealand has a much more serious disease.
    (same as America – the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey is OUR oozing pustule)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We usually don’t think of woman as political brutes and tyrants, but Ardern, along with the Michigan and Oregon governors have changed that perception.

    Radical feminists will cry: If men can be brutes, why can’t women?


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