Expect the unexpected – IOTW Report

Expect the unexpected

I came across this image while doing a search for another story earlier. Does anyone remember this happening? I don’t.



Here it is  —>  From 2012:  Arizona Car Chase Suicide Shown live on FOX during Shep Smith’s show.
It was about a carjacker who decided the cops weren’t going to take him in alive. [The usual warnings apply]

At about 1:20 is when Shepard Smith starts yelling to ‘get off it!!!’ and then makes this face, and then he apologizes.

Was it a slow news day, Shep?


What do you think of news networks broadcasting  car chases, sometimes spending up to an hour on them?
Personally, unless it’s a Congressman running from the law, car chases are of no use to me.

35 Comments on Expect the unexpected

  1. I do remember it. It was appalling! Did Fox air it on purpose? Yes, of course they did. If it bleeds, it leads. I hate the very idea of personal tragedy as entertainment for the masses. Kinda reminds me of a time back in ancient history when people were fed to lions or made to fight to the death in an arena. But just ask the average person if they’d like to watch a snuff film and they’ll recoil in disgust, right?

    Don’t trust the media.

  2. Geoff C. and I, both Northwest natives, get a big laugh out of the fall/winter/spring storm warnings around here. They have two stock film footage: Weatherman in huge, fur-lined parka and “No Parking” sign flapping in the wind. Like one in the northwest has ever seen rain before. Jeeze. Hilarious to watch these people hyperventilating the weather.

  3. I do remember it.

    Unfortunately for FNC and Schemp, I also remember him hitting a person who was holding a parking space with his car during the 2000 election. Had my doubts about him up until then. That sealed it for me. He was a dick then, and nothing has changed.

  4. I remember it very well and Fox hasn’t shown another car chase since as far as I know since I don’t watch them anymore or any other news. I absolutely can’t stand Shep but it shook him badly.

  5. I’m sure there are a lot of things Chep and friends don’t want us to know, suicide being the least. Remember Chris Cuomo telling us that it is illegal for us to view Hillary’s emails? It’s OK for us in the media to view them, and we’ll tell you what you need to know, he said. We are fools to put up with this crap.

  6. I thoroughly detest that tubesteak connoisseur. His demeanor, his voice, everything about him makes me want to take a shower using DAWN just to get the slime off of me.
    Snails and slugs envy him for the sliminess.

  7. Balloon boy did it for me. I practically hit my knees in prayer. Wasted a whole afternoon and felt guilty if I didn’t continue to pray/watch.
    A real turning point with media.

  8. I never watch that maggot. I barely watch Hannity and Martha.
    We need a channel that runs footage of Ryan and The Turtle doing a thelma and louise into the grand canyon.

  9. The only thing I remember about Morton Downey Jr. is the time I heard him call liberals a bunch of liberal pablum (baby food) pukers, back in the 80’s sometime when he had a syndicated radio program. He was about as unhinged on the right as Jerry Springer was to pop culture. But he could be funny in a crazy sort of way.

  10. Smith and his soulmate Al Sharpton each look like Late Stage AIDS.

    Massive weight loss. Skin stretched tight from plastic facelifts to normalize as they waste away.

    They each appear to be dying by inches on daily TV.
    And no one cares.

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