Expect To See California State Workers Furloughed Soon – IOTW Report

Expect To See California State Workers Furloughed Soon


This isn’t the first time California has faced a massive budget deficit.

However the last time the deficit have been this large, the governor started talking about furloughs.

Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger quickly proposed unpaid days off for state workers in 2008, while the state was dealing with a $40 billion deficit.

Well, California is now faced with a $54 billion deficit due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department of Finance hasn’t come forward to discuss how they will look to reduce this time around, but publicly the state has not discussed furloughs.

The only public information that we know is that all departments have been directed to avoid unnecessary travel and contracts, to use discretion in hiring and to cancel leave buyback programs. read more

17 Comments on Expect To See California State Workers Furloughed Soon

  1. Such typically liberal typicalities

    Even though routine travel of the caliparasite class has been quarantined for months, the Travel Monies trough is oddly empty.

    “Furloughed, Ma. Not Fired”

  2. The “Iron Lady” warned of the Socialists running out of OPM. The wheels are falling off the freebie wagon and the boys in unholy Sacremento are chasing out Tesla while telling its billion dollars in CA. jobs owner to go F@!K himself.
    You did it to yourselves, fools; with of course the help of your viral Chicom buds.

  3. Having trouble wrapping my mind around this.

    I could see a leftist governor of a RED state wrecking the state economy, to try to get people PO’d at Trump before November (like that would even work).

    What I don’t understand is why these leftist governors are punishing predominantly blue or bluish states. This can’t be an angle to demand a bailout because their economies collapse–they’ve already been called out on that. And they won’t be able to blame Trump for it.

    The only answer I can come up with is,

    (a) they’re betting on a Democrat getting in this year, one who will give them billions in bailout, or

    (b) this really isn’t about November. They’re simply tyrants drunk on newly found power, so they’re enjoying punishing their own citizens just because they can. Because they’re leftists and that’s what the Left does.

    It’s possible both are true but if anyone can make better sense out of it, I’m all ears.

  4. but don’t touch that free health care money going to illegal non citizen residents in california !

    can the democrat government of california afford to loose all that campaign cash taken from the state union workers ? the democrat party in california will need a fed bail all by themselves if this keeps up. well nancy’s nephew can just call his aunt nancy for a some money to be allocated in her next china lung rot welfare bill if she can get her face out of the freezer long enough to write one.

  5. @TRF May 12, 2020 at 7:16 am

    > No Loans!!
    > I’m fed up with my hard-earned Federal Tax Dollars under-writing

    Just GRANTS!
    Anybody smaht enough to proudly feed The Beast will never learn.
    They can only be raped. To death.

  6. “What I don’t understand is why these leftist governors are punishing predominantly blue or bluish states.”

    The orders, direct and indirect above them, come from a much higher source than is easily seen.

    It’s all part of a bigger picture, a strategy intended to accomplish something far different and much greater than just the alleged disease control and prevention.

    The Senior Partners have had a long time to develop this, and they have had a long time to learn how to avoid being noticed as they do it.

  7. read a post @ a nod to the gods. claims Pelosi is twisting governor’s arms to delay opening up the states as long as possible, and promising to reward them should dems regain control. when you see what’s going on, it makes a lot of sense.


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