Expecting Chicago Teachers do their job is sexism, racism and misogyny – IOTW Report

Expecting Chicago Teachers do their job is sexism, racism and misogyny

Patriot Retort: In a now-deleted tweet, the Chicago Teachers Union claimed yesterday that “the push to reopen schools is sexism, racism and misogyny.”

How dare you expect us to do our jobs, you sexist, racist, misogynists!

Apparently Chicago Teachers don’t see themselves as essential. Though to be fair when it comes to actually educating children, they aren’t particularly essential. more

16 Comments on Expecting Chicago Teachers do their job is sexism, racism and misogyny

  1. fine … just fire them all, stop the taxpayer-funding of people who will not work … & forfeiture of all pensions

    problem solved … a BIG problem solved

  2. Losers always whining about something…

    One hundred, two hundred, years ago everyone was better educated with three inkwells, a dozen quill pens (manufactured by the students), three textbooks, and a TEACHER.

  3. “now-deleted tweet”. Happens a lot lately.
    Is Deletist a word? Sounds like a good adjective to “label” them with, since they favor lots of pejoratives against us pissant peasants.

  4. I am a teacher. Sadly, I do see this too much. Many of my cohorts agree with me, but they are afraid to speak up because of the power the unions hold over them.
    I encourage all of you to find the good ones and support them against the unions.

  5. Vouchers that have to have a front row seat in our future. If it saves just one child it’s worth it. For the children. Justice now. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
    You get the idea.


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