Expensive Obama Vacations Bring About Lawsuit, ‘Abuse of Taxpayers’ Money – IOTW Report

Expensive Obama Vacations Bring About Lawsuit, ‘Abuse of Taxpayers’ Money

YC: Barrack Hussein Obama as candidate in 2008 promised no vacations and even swore off leisure time.

obama vacations image

Yet, the Obama family has taken over 38 lavish vacations since becoming the first family costing American taxpayers at least $74 million, according to recently obtained records.


18 Comments on Expensive Obama Vacations Bring About Lawsuit, ‘Abuse of Taxpayers’ Money

  1. Oh Come on….What’s $74 Million dollars between the obama Royal Family vacations and its serfs? Chump change.

    How about the $1000’s of Millions given to Acorn and its affiliates, Green energy initiatives, obamacare, planned parenthood, all the business stifling regulations and don’t forget the $Billions going to the Palestinians and IRAN.

    His goal was to create economic havoc in the US….. he has succeeded.

  2. The proper approach to this is through the IRS.
    Employer funded vacations are required to be disclosed and taxed as ordinary income.
    A $30M+ tax bill would knock that chip off his shoulder.

  3. That lying son of a bitch.

    And that $74 million doesn’t include the cost to the local businesses and residents in those vacation locations every time that faggot and Mooch come to town.

    Kudos to Judicial Watch for suing the bastards. America is fed up with the corruption from that “kingly entourage.” Let them reign from a prison cell.

  4. I’ve been harping about this for his entire “reign”! Remember when he wouldn’t let military bases have a fireworks display for 4th of July because it was “too much money” to spend on “something frivolous”?! And what about Camp David? That’s the appointed vacation/rest area for the president and his family. I guess the current family is “above” the rest of the preceding presidents to stay there? What gives him the right to spend that amount of taxpayers income? He and his family haven’t done a damn thing to deserve a “vacation” for the entire time he has been in office”! Send him the bill and get him out of the Whitehouse. We have a country to repair.

  5. Is there no limit on the number of vacation days a president can take? Seems like a person with a four or eight years on the job should have no more days of vacation than an entry level civil service employee.

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