Expert Predicts up to 25% of American Colleges Will Close in Next Two Decades – IOTW Report

Expert Predicts up to 25% of American Colleges Will Close in Next Two Decades

Legal Insurrection:

“They’re going to close, they’re going to merge, some will declare some form of bankruptcy to reinvent themselves. It’s going to be brutal across American higher education.” MORE

16 Comments on Expert Predicts up to 25% of American Colleges Will Close in Next Two Decades

  1. Sadly, most of the closures will equate to zero loss, being they were leftist indoctrination centers in business to fleece kids of their money and enslave them for life.

    How’s that black/womans/lesbians/whatever studies degree working out for you?

    If you want a degree in black studies, just listen to Richard Pryor’s albums.

    If you want a degree in women’s studies, get married.

  2. “Higher Education”… If they were still that, then they wouldn’t be closing shop. They’re premium priced diploma mills for brainwashed, narcissistic little twats now. Nobody wants to foot the bill for that kind of shit anymore.

  3. Brutal for higher education???
    The reality is that thanks to the internet we have access to vastly more information, more education than ever before. Udemy, MIT (all classes available online), millions of other sources. Very cheap too. No, education is transforming and those who take advantage of it can learn far more than we did attending a university for 4 years.
    That doesn’t mean universities are obsolete, but there are so many different opportunities now that they are necessary for a smaller portion of the population.

  4. The government needs to get out of the higher education business and let the free market decide who and what is viable.
    Only that way will the colleges and universities become lean and mean, getting rid of toxic overhead and toxic degrees that lead nowhere. Who the hell wants to hire a community agitator/organizer?

  5. Good. Will be nice to see all those professors try to make a living in the real world with their worthless degrees. Hope all those laid off bums go to Blue Tarp subdivisions in San Fancrisco and L.A.

  6. Precisely why a major university in the south west at practically lightning speed created and built a medical school from scratch, and changed the focus of the campus to research. Relevance is an imperative.

  7. I tend to think that colleges that educate, teach people how to think will survive in some form – brick and mortar or online.
    It’s that colleges that primarily indoctrinate, teaching people what to think, that are at risk.


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