EXPERT: Second Trump Whistleblower Is the Source for First Whistleblower in a CIA “Feedback Loop” – IOTW Report

EXPERT: Second Trump Whistleblower Is the Source for First Whistleblower in a CIA “Feedback Loop”

16 Comments on EXPERT: Second Trump Whistleblower Is the Source for First Whistleblower in a CIA “Feedback Loop”

  1. And all the whistle blowers are a mute point since Trump released the actual transcript for anyone to read.

    But in the bizarro world where Schiff/dems bet Trump would not do that and they’d have whistleblower after whistleblower show up to add gravity to the allegation we continue on with the plan as is.

  2. @Anonymous October 8, 2019 at 11:39 am

    > We all know it’s b.s. – and TREASON

    Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?

    That’s what I thought.

    (See, kids! You too are qualified to be President of The United States! Just like the current President of The United States! The primaries are just months away! Get your name on the list! Do it now!)

  3. @extirpates October 8, 2019 at 12:10 pm

    > How many whistleblowers does it take to make a “Daisy Chain”?

    Man. You’re old. It’s the current century. That’s:

    How many whistle blowers does it take to make a “Human Centipede”?

  4. The third whistleblower:
    My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with the girl who overheard Trump say something about quid pro quo last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.

  5. The original source is Peter Strok’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roomate. Which makes that source absolutely nothing.

    (With apologies to Spaceballs.)

  6. Eesh. I wish I could take a leaf blower to the whistleblowers already. Lies and more gossip. And not a drop of shame between them.

    “I heard that it from Gary downstairs- you know? The head of the maid staff?”

    “Oh well I HEARD it from the press secretaries cousin’s dry cleaner”

    “Yeah- but he actually got his info from a Russian deli owner who TRUMP HIMSELF called up and bragged to- (being comrades and all). It’s treason!”

    “No way!”
    *gasp* “really!?”


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