Expert Worship Is Ruining Science – IOTW Report

Expert Worship Is Ruining Science

Big tech and big media are betraying the truth—and the people.

Pasha Kamyshev|American Mind:

What is science? Has it changed from past to present? Is it still working? The coronavirus pandemic has put a spotlight on the question of science as a whole and biology and drug research in particular.

Now, the popular narrative is that if only we listened to the scientists, we would have prevented this, presumably contrasting scientists against “politicians” and perhaps some un-specified “non-expert” others. The pandemic is happening against a completely unprecedented backdrop of censorship of what seems to me like normal-people discussion about the effects of different drugs and therapies.

The CEO of YouTube has specifically said that the platform would block people suggesting vitamin C has beneficial effects on helping one recover from coronavirus. This is, of course, done “in the name of” science, because everything ought to be done in the name of science in the West.

My current view is that large numbers of fields which are considered “scientific” in the West are a complete mess and lack the essential feature of what it means to be a science in the first place.

So, let’s go back to first principles here. What is a science? If we look at the field of science as a mechanistic process that takes some inputs and produces outputs, what are those inputs and outputs? Let’s take one the of the most classic examples of this: Newton’s theory of gravity. more

20 Comments on Expert Worship Is Ruining Science

  1. From the Banner over at Real Climate Science: Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts.” — Richard Feynman.
    And man, are the “experts” ignorant! But they do know how to manipulate the data.

  2. PRESIDENT Trump failed in handling the virus?

    Uhhhhhhhh…it was FAUCI WHO FAILED. He’s the “scientist.” PRESIDENT Trump listened to the scientists! He handled it better than any man ever could have BTW. Fauci may know certain scientific things (I admire people who do!) but he sure is one dumbtard when it comes to anything else. He’s been all over the precautions map. Not all that bright.

  3. A. H. Fauci appears to be an “expert” at changing his mind frequently, which he did 12 times during Covid.
    He is a better pitcher than a doctor. He is not MY doctor, I would not trust a little fool to put on the Band-Aid correctly.

  4. I get more suspicious of science every day.

    Scientists slam the RCC for the Galileo issue. It wasn’t science vs religion, it was a clash of two scientific theories.

    The RCC provided a huge boost to scientific learning be establishment of great universities during the so-called “dark ages”.

    When Marx and Engels call their murderous ravings “scientific socialism”, count me out.

    When the vast majority of modern scientists refuse to accept our creator as the source of all life, they can go to hell.

    When ID proponents face ridicule from the media, the media can fuck off.

    Global warming caused by humans? Get screwed.

    Covid19? The media and socialists want us scared and cowering in our homes, and dependent on government.

    Meanwhile, liberals go for sex perversion, dope, stupid celebrity worship, weird religions including tree and satan worship, etc., etc., etc.

  5. Science is two or more equally bright researchers being skeptical of the intelligence of each other and skeptical of the research conclusions the others claim as fact. And demanding they prove it to the point all agree. There is no respect for or assumption the other person is “the expert” that is not to be questioned.

  6. The scientific method, according to (D)irtbags : Yell “Science” while obfuscating facts, destroying data and making personal attacks against any opposition. It’s like squids squirting ink to conceal themselves, except with evil fascistic motives.


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